Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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criminal underworld

  1. Ran Serys

    Private  An Arms Race

    Ran sat hunched over in her seat, her right leg crossed over her left, and a hand under her chin. She looked uninterested and unenthused, an act, as she was hyper focused on the cantina’s entrance. She was waiting for a man, an important one of ill repute. His name was fresh in her mind. Tal...
  2. M

    Public  Secrets in Starlight | A Core War Story

    SECRETS IN STARLIGHT A CORE WAR STORY The past few months have been a challenging time for the Galactic Alliance's Strategic Intelligence Agency. Between their embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Mandalorian Enclave to the humiliation of the Dark Empire's push into the core (not to mention...
  3. Vian Sarad

    Character  Suryesh Behari

    BHAJI SCORFFA Age 38 GSY Homeworld Bespin Species Ugnaught Gender Male Height 1.42 Meters Weight 44 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Mickey Rourke as Marv INVENTORY Equipment A customized set of armor, including an Ubese raider helmet An NN-14 blaster pistol A K21c portable...
  4. Nej Tane

    First Reply  Friendly-ish

    Coruscant 1846 Local Time OOC Note: Nej booked it around the corner, checking behind him. They were still coming after him. Not boys in blue, but worse. Nej slid on the wet ground, rocket boots boosting him further. He ran hard and fast, turning corners and hopping fences in the...
  5. K

    LFG  Bounty Hunting Shenanigans

    Hey everyone. Finally got my newest character up the Bounty Hunter Kasai Ryū will become more known as Kage. I‘m pretty excited about roleplaying this new OC. Anyway Ryū is new to the galactic scene as well, hailing from the outer rim world of Tao(it’s not on the galactic map but from Star Wars...
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