Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Matsu Ike

    Dominion  Embrace Eternity: Silver Jedi Dominion of Cularin

    Cularin an ancient world of the jedi and the sith that was storied. THe darkstaaff a dangerous artifact had an interest in the system and had left its scars. With their small expansion to Wann Tsir and ideas from the likes of Jyoti Nooran and Mi'la Undari the ancient jedi academy. THey could do...
  2. Aspect of Defiance

    Dominion  Trials of Cularin | CIS Dominion of Cularin Hex

    Cularin, a world full of history, known for being strong in the force. The world had remained untouched by the Confederacy of Independent Systems for some time. While the world itself seemed like a natural pursuit for the Southern Systems, the right to allow the world to remain autonomous was...
  3. Energeticus

    In The Footsteps of Shadows

    Seat of the Obsidian Order, Geonosis Lonthor was welcomed once more by the Masters in their chamber. The purpose of this second gathering was to inform the Jedi Knight of the final decision the Council took regarding his position as part of the Order. To Moriwant’s surprise, the Grand Masters...
  4. Jenmae Ophiro

    Approved Location  The Orrery

    The Orrery Intent: To create a location to promote the plotting of future faction RP for the CIS. ​Image Credit: Griffith Park Observatory and Planetarium Canon: N/A Links: [member="Seren"] / [member="Jenmae Ophiro"] / [member="Willow Fae"] / Cularin Structure Name: The Orrery...
  5. Jenmae Ophiro

    Down to Business

    The wraith had found for her companion a gift. Lurking deep beneath the lush, sub-tropical forests that the pair had originally made their home, the witch had felt a thrumming of something powerful, something ancient... During one of the many off-world missions that her Wolf had taken in their...
  6. Jenmae Ophiro

    Approved Location  Shahku iw Kraujas

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a base of operations for [member="Jenmae Ophiro"] and [member="Seren"] ​Image Credit: Original artwork by: Canon: N/A Links: Cularin SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Shahku iw Kraujas Classification...
  7. Zye Woden

    Cularin Huntin'

    Ambiance Cularin. A world like this was the perfect storm for a Sithspawn to be unleashed. There were no less than seven major cities on this planet with a dense population in them all, with a multitude of other minor towns and cities. All of which was dotted across the land of rain...
  8. K

    Dynasty of Chaotic Intent

    Vengeance sat in his quarters at a make shift desk. They had been in Hyperspace for quiet a while. It had been at least a week maybe more. His new Apprentice [member="Syss Rembala"] had taken well to her new life and his teachings. Most of the time had been spent discussing theory and...
  9. T


    Ta’mur Rokar had heard rumors of a powerful Sith weapon, the Cataclysm Gauntlets, making its final resting place on the highest peak of what was left of Cloud Mountain. Jedi Knight Ta’mur Rokar had travelled to the jungle-world of Cularin and began his search. His search was only briefly...
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