Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  "Slinger" Antilles Custom YandZ Shuttles

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a nice, sturdy multi-role personal shuttle Image Source: Ex-Astris Scientia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Gir Quee Primary Source: X-YandZ Transport PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs...
  2. River Kryze

    Approved Starship  Fools Errand (Alana’s custom ship)

    Image source: link Length: 29 meters Width: : 20 meters. Height:9.27 meters Hyperdrive: 1.0 STANDARD FEATURES Life Support Long Range Communications Short Range Communication Auto-Pilot Ejection System Sensor Suite Meditation Suite Weapons Station Training Room Flares ADVANCED...
  3. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  NC-1002 Michael Angellus' Custom X-wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique X-Wing for Connel Vanagor. Image Source: Here Canon Link: X-Wing Permissions: Gir Quee, Krass Wyms, My Subs Primary Source: X-Wing NC-1000 X-Wing (Jedi Variant) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. Some tech from...
  4. Credius Nargath

    Approved Starship  NZ Trident SY-760

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: HPI, FAE STANDARD FEATURES STRUCTURE: Length: 200m, Width: 84m, height: 48m Ersteel SLCA hull with Druetium reinforcements Tungstoïd steel reinforced Ersteel SLCA skeletal structure Seigurium X secondary plating Ersteel SLCA primary, ablative angular plating...
  5. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Karl's Courier-Class Yacht, 'Celestia'

    Karl's Courier-Class Yacht, Celestia OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Wookieepedia Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation (see permissions) Ersteel 12231 NZ SSP-SIXTUS/B [Shield System Package] NZ OS-HD3H Hyperdrive System Hermes LFD 760i NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion System NZ...
  6. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Karl's Relby-k23 mod. E

    Karl's Relby-k23 mod. Erika OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: Relby-k23 Blaster Pistol Permissions: HPI Consortium (see permissions) Ethaerium X N&Z Umbrella Corporation (see permissions) Ersteel SLCA First United Astral Engineering (see special...
  7. Custodian Ffff'liak Mik'lao

    Approved Species  "Fabricator-Machinists" | Mvil'eil

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Honestly, the biggest reason making this race is not only to fit a Halloween theme, but to also make a race of migrant, space-faring cybernetic creatures that ultimately are poorly understood at best and often times seen as legends to the Core due to hiding...
  8. Gulranor

    Approved Armor  Gulranor's Personalized AV-1A Assault Armor

    DESCRIPTION Personalized customized Powersuit modified by Gulranor and other mechanics over hundreds of years to become a decked out killing machine Based off of the AV-1A Assault Armor. SPECIAL FEATURES AV-1A Assault Armor features, with ((permission given by Deadpool)) for these following...
  9. Pal Veda

    Approved Melee Weapon  Pal Veda’s Vibroknife

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a personal vibroknife for Pal Veda based on a loot roll from Operation Firestorm Image Source: Knife Country USA Wander Tactical Hurricane Knife Brown Canon Link: Vibroknife Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Legion and Combat Utility Knife MK 1...
  10. Minuteman75

    Resolved  Canon or Custom?

    Hey again. I’m trying to decide on how about to submit a certain planet for possible inclusion into the galaxy map. Specifically the world of Tao that featured in episode eight of Star Wars Visions Season One. Under normal circumstances I would try to submit it as a canon world but it’s...
  11. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  ETA - 2200 "Big Grumpy" Jedi Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give some Force Imbued upgrades, technological, and structural enhancements to an infamous Jedi Starfighter design, Image Source: Canon Link: Jedi Starfighter Permissions: My Subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  12. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Vehicle  Connel's custom landspeeder

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To customize an existing model speeder for Connel Vanagor Image Source: Sebastiano Ciarcia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: "Carcharidon" Air/Landspeeder PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority...
  13. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Melee Weapon  "PERCIPIENCE"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the lightsaber that Connel will eventually pick up Image Source: Source Canon Link: Lightsabers Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Lightsabers PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Connel Vanagor Affiliation: Connel Vanagor Model: "Percipience"...
  14. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  Liram's Custom X-Wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an updated, multi-role model of the infamous X-wing Image Source: Hsu Hong Yi @ Canon Link: T-85 X-wing Starfighter Permissions: My subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd...
  15. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Starship  "NC-1001" Connel Vanagor's custom X-wing

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique X-Wing for Connel Vanagor. Image Source: Here Canon Link: X-Wing Permissions: Gir Quee, Krass Wyms, My Subs Primary Source: X-Wing NC-1000 X-Wing (Jedi Variant) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. Some tech from...
  16. Kaz'urk

    Approved Planet  Antrillia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To set up a custom planet for future RP's Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: Self Links: Kaz'urk Antrillians GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Antrillia Demonym: Antrillian Region: Inner Rim System Name: Antrillian System System Features...
  17. Kaz'urk

    Approved Species  Antrillians

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To be used in future RP's and character creation Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Permissions: Self Links: Kaz'urk GENERAL INFORMATION Species Profile: Antrillians Name: Antrillians Designation: Sentient Origins: Antrillia, a vibrant and diverse planet...
  18. Vergessen Contii

    Request  Vergessen Contii's Custom Services - Made to order requests for technology

    I'm here to offer the services of my character Vergessen Contii for the purpose of producing cybernetics and weaponry to all interested parties and stakeholders. Services can vary from the production of power-enhancing substances to the creation of reliable cybernetic prosthetics. Examples of...
  19. Jonyna Si

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Tristan II, Jonyna's Custom Sonic Pistol

    Image Source: Here SPECIAL FEATURES EMP Proof: The Faraday cage built into the internal structrure almost entirely prevents the weapon from being damaged by EMP or Ion attacks, allowing the weapon to be useful against those who might try and get the upper hand. Small and Sneaky: Tristan is a...
  20. Yol Kan

    Approved Starship  Yol Kan's customized GAT-120 Skipray Blastboat II 'Meyoken'

    Image Source: Yol Kan's Customized GAT-120 Skipray Blastboat II 'Meyoken' PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries Affiliation: Yol Kan Market Status...
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