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Time: ?
This has been a long time coming. I been very quiet as of late with my research and designs. Now I feel somewhat comfortable enough to show off some of my wares. Newer items are coming soon so check in whenever you see this holopage updated. Also you ask, what do I do...
Blind Man's Hand
OOC Info
Image Source: Marvel Studios
Intent: To give [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"] a personal weapon
Development Thread: NA
Weapon General Info
Manufacturer: Reclaimer Arms & Industrial
Model: NA
Affiliation: [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"]
Modularity: None...
Touch of the Lost
OOC Info
Image Source: Bungie Studios
Intent: To give [member="The Black Hat"] a custom revolver for her droid.
Development Thread: NA
Pistol General Info
Manufacturer: Reclaimer Arms & Industrial
Model: NA
Affiliation: [member="The Black Hat"]...
Thraxis' Pistols
OOC Info
Image Source:
Intent: To provide a pair of personal pistols to [member="Thraxis"]
Development Thread: NA
Pistols General Info
Manufacturer: Reclaimer Arms & Industrial
Model: NA
Affiliation: [member="Thraxis"]
Nyx's Collar
OOC Info
Image Source: Camouflajj Studio LLC
Intent: To provide [member="Nyx"] with a unique piece of tech.
Development Thread: NA
Collar Info
Manufacturer: Reclaimer Arms & Industrial
Model: NA
Affiliation: [member="Nyx"]
Modularity: Interchangeable lights...
This is a friendly thread announcing to you guys that I do take custom orders! However let me be clear here, I can't do restricted materials unless you have completed a dev thread completed. But when it comes to cool stuff that you want your character to have I can make it. From what my two...