Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kercez Zsinj

    Czerka Arms |/| 900 ABY |\|

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Czerka Arms Wookieepedia Article, svg recreation by Nayayen Canon Link: Czerka Arms Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Czerka Arms, also known as Czerka Corporation Headquarters: Tatooine Locations: Tatooine, HQ Major...
  2. Zago Kint

    Approved Tech  Czerka Arms PFF-1 Personal Force Field Belt

    Intent: Create a personal force field device for personal protection or battlefield use in lieu of hard wearable armor. Image Source: Canon Link: Personal Energy Shield...
  3. F

    Czerka Victorian Corporation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Created by Me. Canon Link: Czerka Arms. Primary Source: Original Czerka Victorian Corporation Submission. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Czerka Victorian Corporation Headquarters: Galidraan Locations: Dromund Kaas, Telos IV, Ord...
  4. Danger Arceneau

    Czerka This and Czerka That

    [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] Corporate Calls - following this ARCENEAU TRADE COMPANY HEADQUARTERS - Tatooine "Alright gentlemen, I hope you both enjoyed your dinner," Danger would purr out from the head of polished body wood table. They were now in her office...
  5. Danger Arceneau

    Corporate Calls

    Arceneau Trade Company Headquarters Southern Systems Business Bazaar Tatooine Smoke would slowly rise from the cherry tip of a cigaar, lightly perched between seemingly idle fingers. Seemingly for idle hands were of the devil's work -- and Danger Arceneau was not an idle woman. Within the...
  6. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  HK-series Commando Droid

    "Anytime, anywhere...We're there." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: The purpose of this submission is to introduce onto the militant, Galactic market a continuation of the legendary HK-series. Development Thread: N/A Image Source: Aisxos PRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer: Techno Union...
  7. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  CZ-HKD Droid Brain

    "Anytime, anywhere...We're there." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide the militant, Galactic market with an advanced Droid brain capable of exceptional processing power. Development Thread: Making Memories...Literally Image Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  8. Darth Metus

    Czerka Mining and Industrial: Catalog and Custom Orders

    Czerka Mining and Industrial Czerka Mining and Industrial is the name given to the first, modern subsidiary of Czerka Arms. While the parent corporation primarily revolves around the production of personal weaponry and droids, Czerka Mining and Industrial sets its focus on the development of...
  9. Darth Metus

    Czerka Corporation: Now Hiring!

    "Anytime, anywhere...We're there." Ladies and Gentlemen of SWRP: Chaos, lend me your ears! Are you an engineer or a mechanic? Do you like getting epic (and more importantly) free stuff? Well, here is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! Czerka Corporation is hiring! That's right, the...
  10. Danger Arceneau

    Approved Starship  Czerka-class Medium Transport

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide ATC and Haven Shipyards and its customers with a reliable vessel for the ferrying of cargo. Development Thread: N/A Image Source: Here PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Haven Shipyards Model: Haven-class Medium...
  11. Darth Metus

    Czerka Mining and Industrial

    ARCHIVED "Anytime, anywhere...We're there." GENERAL INFORMATION Corporation Name: Czerka Mining and Industrial Headquarters: Tatooine Operations: Mining, Vehicle/Starship Production Tier: 2 LOCATIONS Kalee Tatooine Dantooine RATIONALE After the reunification of Czerka Arms through the...
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