Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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czerka arms

  1. Kercez Zsinj

    Czerka Arms |/| 900 ABY |\|

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Czerka Arms Wookieepedia Article, svg recreation by Nayayen Canon Link: Czerka Arms Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Czerka Arms, also known as Czerka Corporation Headquarters: Tatooine Locations: Tatooine, HQ Major...
  2. Zago Kint

    Approved Tech  Czerka Arms PFF-1 Personal Force Field Belt

    Intent: Create a personal force field device for personal protection or battlefield use in lieu of hard wearable armor. Image Source: Canon Link: Personal Energy Shield...
  3. L

    Approved Tech  CZ-H5 Shatterbeam Pistol

    CZ-H5 SHATTERBEAM PISTOL OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Latest entry into the Blaster Wars subs I did Image Source: [x] | [x] Canon Link: KB-50a Beam Cannon | Neutron Dissembler Primary Source: Not Applicable PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Czerka Arms Affiliation: Closed-Market...
  4. Dak

    Approved Tech  CA-HK Mk. III 'Liquidator' Disruptor Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to sub the personal weapon of Dak and override the existing canon for the ‘Droid Assassin’s Rifle’. Image Source: · [Image 1] - 'Hk47 Wip' by artist uncannyknack on DeviantArt Canon Link: Droid Assassin’s Rifle Primary Source: · Dak (Character) · Czerka...
  5. Edwin Gerald Finbur

    [CAX] FAAL Type 1

    Image Source: DeviantArt Image Notes: This is only an approximate appearance. I created my own, hand-drawn image, though it is so terrible, I dare not post it here. I have absolutely no idea why there are two optical devices mounted at the same time. The FAAL's barrel is much larger. The...
  6. Danger Arceneau

    Browncoat Arms & Industrial

    GENERAL INFORMATION Corporation Name: Browncoat Arms & Industrial - A subsidiary of Arceneau Trade Company Headquarters: Tatooine Operations: Droids, armstech, armormech, mining & refining, electronic equipment, construction. Tier: 6 LOCATIONS Alderaan, Val’hala, Dantooine, Serpena, Asahi, and...
  7. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  CZ-839 Sonic Carbine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide the militant, Galactic market with a unique, sonic rifle based upon Geonosian designs. Development Thread: N/A Image Source: Reyalspathelion PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms & Industrial |...
  8. Darth Metus

    Approved Tech  Executive-class Formal Wear

    Executive-class Formal Wear OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide the upper echelon of the Techno Union and Confederacy of Independent Systems with a unique set of formal wear that is composed of defensive materials and to explore the possible...
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