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Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
Ascent-class Star Destroyer The Drepane
It was night cycle aboard the ship when Kaito awoke. Startled, he shifted upright, careful not to disturb the retainers still at rest. He moved quietly, searching for a place undisturbed enough to work. It took some time...
I'm looking for a planet that is super dangerous with megafauna or excessively dangerous predators/environmental conditions here on the site. Something to really train up Reign and perhaps and apprentice or two.
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks friends!
Equipment : Laser Cutlass, Heavy Blaster Pistol
Location : Nar Shaddaa
Objective : Get into deceased crime lord's residence, find valuable lost Jedi artifacts to sell back on Coruscant
This was a terrible idea. Xochicalcu said to no one in particular, for about the fifth time since he'd reached...