Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dark jedi

  1. Lord Ki

    Character  Lord Ki (Redux)

    "Ah, to be alive again...but why? Why now?" NAME: Lord Ki Nicknames: Darth Reficite, Lord of Rebirth, Sage Ki FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Chiss (Currently) AGE: 33 (Over a Thousand Chronologically) SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1 WEIGHT: 212 lb EYES: Red HAIR: Black SKIN: Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  2. Gil Horn

    Approved NPC  Heron Crawl

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a NPC character for use as a rival for Gil Horn as well as a antagonist for stories involving Jedi characters Image Credit: Gemini Ai Role: Heron Crawl is a former Jedi that has fallen to the Dark Side. He has sworn the destruction of the New Jedi...
  3. Darth Teeth

    Character  Darth Teeth

    Darth Teeth Age 43 Species Human Gender Male Height 6’2” Weight 185 lbs Force Sensitive Dark Jedi PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Long Blond Hair, Bushy Beard, Orange Eyes, and bad breath. INVENTORY Knight of Ren Mask Black Tunic and Robes Twin Sickle Lightsabers Basic Sith Lightsaber...
  4. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Lore  Eclipse Adepts

    Intent: Create a sect of Dark Jedi for the Kainate and the Sith Order. Image Credit: KH×SWお絵かき Darth Carnifex - Logo Canon: Dark Side Adept Dark Acolyte Dark Jedi Permissions: N/A Links: The Xendori Elite Orladri Lovrus, Derriphan of the Xendori Guard Tradition Name: Informally known...
  5. D

    Character  DELETE

  6. Bernard

    Public  A Monument To Your Sins

    „Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep..." - John Milton, Paradise Lost Come one morning, the Jedi would find, nailed to the entrance of the Jedi Order's Coruscant Temple, an edict. It was both a call to action for servants of the Light and a...
  7. Bernard

    Discussion  Calling all Fallen or Exiled Jedi (Sith who used to be Jedi too)

    Heyo. As part of a story I'm cooking up, I'm compiling a comprehensive list of Jedi who have fallen or been exiled from a Jedi Order (New Jedi, Old Jedi, the late Silver Jedi, some obscure enclave, whatever). Whether you're writing a Dark Sider who used to be a Jedi at some point or have gone...
  8. Scour

    Character  Scour

  9. Kaleb Sunwalker

    LFG  The Fallen Jedi

    Hello there everybody! On the hunt for more stories. Thought I'd see if anyone would be interested in further interactions with a Jedi Knight who had betrayed the New Jedi Order thinking that with his hubris he could overcome the Dark Side. One night the temptations became too much to ignore...
  10. Kaleb Sunwalker

    Character  Kaleb Sunwalker

    KALEB SUNWALKER Theme Inquisitor Theme | EPIC VERSION Full Name Kaleb 'Kal' Sunwalker Alias(es) Unknown Title(s) Jedi Knight, Dark Jedi Knight Class(es) Jedi Guardian, Inquisitor Origin Coruscant Age 25 Rank(s) Jedi Knight, Jedi Guardian, Dark Side Elite, Inquisitor...
  11. Dark Empire

    Dark Empire

    Dark Empire "If there's a dark center of the universe R2, this is it…" -Luke Skywalker The Dark Empire is an indirect successor state to the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Empire, formed from the Neo-Mawite survivors of the Second Great Hyperspace War and the Imperial Remnant led by...
  12. Sylas Corak

    Character  Duke Sylas Corak

    DUKE SYLAS CORAK Age 26 Species Human (Corellian) Gender Male Height 6'0 Weight 180 lbs Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION In the public gaze, Sylas Corak appears the very picture of noble dignity. As an aristocrat of Corellia, he often wears showy attire, along with a...
  13. A

    Character  Aramis Aramentia, an Obituary

    SOCIETAL Name: Aramis A. Aramentia XIII Title: Baron Homeworld: Hapes Current Home: Literally Hell Affiliation: Himself Force Alignment: Dark APPEARANCE Species: Hapan Age: Young adult Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Build: Thin Hair Colour: Platinum blond Eye Colour...
  14. Rorlin Kos

    LFG  Dark Jedi Mercenary(s) Looking for Threads

    Rorlin Kos And Sars Sarad are force-using sell-swords looking to be part of your story! For better or worse!
  15. Ssakai

    Character  Thelann Garm

    THELANN GARM Info Faction: Independent Birthplace: Lothal Age: 26 GSY Species: Human (Lothalite) Gender: Male Height: 1.78 Meters Weight: 70 kg Skin: Coppery Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Force: Sensitive Voice: Billy Kametz as Macaque Backstory Thelann Garm was born on the arid and dusty planet of...
  16. Eternal Sith Empire Of Korriban

    Eternal Sith Empire Of Korriban

    We Will Do Everything To Stop The Hypocrisy Of The Republic And Jedi, We Will Fight To Our Last Soldier To Have Any Chance To Destroy The Jedi.
  17. Second Sith Empire

    Second Sith Empire

    "The only way for you to learn from your mistakes, is to feed from them." -Darth Laesis
  18. Vestra Tane

    Character  Vestra Tane

    VESTRA TANE Music Wine and Piss Aliases N/A Class(es) Scoundrel Birthplace Nar Shaddaa Age Young Adult Traits "Loveable" Scoundrel Dirty Fighter Formidable Resolve Rank(s) N/A Faction(s) N/A Species Human Languages Galactic Basic ur-Kittât (Broken) Huttese Binary...
  19. Darth Schol

    Character  Darth Schol

    Darth Schol NAME: Darth Schol, Dravil Niphin FACTION: Sith Order? RANK: Darth, Head Archaeologist and Artifact Reclamation Authority SPECIES: Givin AGE: 56 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10 Ft/ 1.7 M WEIGHT: 200 EYES: Black HAIR: N/A SKIN: Pale White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND...
  20. Ara'myss Zankarr

    Character  Ama'Ryss Zankarr [Dark Jedi Crime Lord] WIP

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