Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Eujan Vidokh

    Character  Rohesia Munin

    ROHESIA MUNIN Age 23 GSY Species Human (Kalevalan) Gender Female Height 1.68 Meters Weight 53 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Yelena Belova INVENTORY Equipment A pair of Mandalorian vambraces A Defender-5 sporting blaster A collapsible Morgukai cortosis staff Various clothes that...
  2. Eujan Vidokh

    Character  Khann Cadera

    Name Khann Cadera Faction The First Order Birthplace Kalevala Age 42 GSY Species Human (Mandalorian) Gender Male Height 1.78 Meters Weight 80 kg Rank(s) Captain (Stormtrooper Corps) Languages Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Binary Force Sensitive Non-Sensitive Alignment...
  3. Lion Darman

    Character  Lion Darman

    NAME: Lion RANK: Mechanic SPECIES: Humanoid BIRTHWORLD: Corellia RESIDENCE: Mon Gazza AGE: 41 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 195cm WEIGHT: 125kg EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Fairly intelligent Talented mechanic Outcast Rogue Gruff personality...
  4. H

    Character  Hovik Zodiss the Dar'manda

    NAME: Hovik Zodiss | Hovik Cadera Alias: _ The Dar'manda _ _ The Son of Arasuum _ _ The Disgraced _ _ The Hunter _ Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral Residence: None | Homeless. Motto: "What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger." FACTION: [N.A] | Formerly: Clan Cadera RANK: Civilian |...
  5. Hakon Fett

    Character  Rohak Vizsla

    "THERE COMES A TIME WHEN A MAN MUST SPIT ON HIS HANDS, HOIST THE BLACK FLAG AND BEGIN SPLITTING THROATS" music ghost of the navigator Aliases None yet Class(es) Pirate Mandalorian Birthplace Wayland Age Thirties Personality Traits Greedy Ambitious Honorless Mild Schizophrenia...
  6. Jai'galaar Gred

    Faction  The Dar'Manda (Mandalorian Covenant)

    Equipment: Armor, 2x CRP-01 Rim, 2x Vibrodaggers A business woman ran through the alleys of Hosnian Prime, but was soon met by a Strill landing in front of her. She'd walk back before hearing a what sounded like a blaster charging. She turned, seeing the cloaked man she was running from...
  7. Z

    Character  Zulu Farr - Mischief for hire

    ZULU FARR Birthplace Dromund Kaas Age 24 GSY Rank Death Watch lieutenant Faction Kainate Home Highest bidder(TSE) Species Twi'lek(Lethan) Gender ♀️ Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'7" Weight 128lbs Hair Color N\A Eye Color Golden-Amber Skin Color Red Distinctive features...
  8. Ijaat Mereel

    Public  Where Everybody Knows Your Name...

    Location: Oyuu'baat Tavern. Keldabe - Mandalore. Music ... And they're never glad you came... It hadn't been hard. When he needed bes'manda, he knew where to go for it. Mandalore. To his old workshop, Beskar'yaim. The place was virtually abandoned and considered accursed by most sane...
  9. Apollyon The Betrayer

    Character  Apollyon - The Betrayer

    APOLLYON Birthplace Recluse Age 44 Rank Warlord Faction Death Watch Home N\A Species Human Gender Female Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'6 Weight 136 lbs Hair Color Jet Black Eye Color Sky Blue Skin Color Fair Voice Apollyon - For Honor Distinctive features Purple...
  10. Darth Metus

    Approved Location  Netra'yaim, Seat of House Verd

    N E T R A ' Y A I M CASTLE BLACK - Seat of House Verd OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the residence of House Verd Image Credit(s):Blair Witch - Template Background Jan Urschel - Exterior (North) Sergey Grechanyuk - Exterior (South) Aaron Cruz - Great Hall, Undercroft & Side...
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