Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth caedes

  1. Darth Caedes

    LFG  Academy of Korriban | Acolytes and the Paths to Power

    WELCOME Korriban's recent history saw a significant turning point with the defeat of the Ashlan Crusader occupants, orchestrated by a coalition of prominent Sith. Following their victory, Darth Caedes and a select group of loyal and ambitious followers established Korriban as their home...
  2. Darth Caedes

    Approved Starship  Locum Pacis

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Color Code: Image Source: MidJourney | Photoshop: me! Primary Source: Sith Meditation Sphere PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sith Order | Bogan Fleet Systems Affiliation: Sith Order Material: Stygian-triprismatic Polymer, and Impervium Armor Plating...
  3. Elim Thorne

    Private  The Korriban Contact

    Overview Location: Corellia, Korriban Participants: Elim Thorne, an information broker Lao-ta, a Jedi Master [TBD] Summary: Lao-ta, a jedi master, reunites with a contact from her past to gather information on Korriban and its mysterious new King. Elim Thorne makes his way to the ancient...
  4. Elim Thorne

    Private  The Korriban Contact: I. Queen of Staves

    Tyrena, Corellia Mag Bathi's Music Cafe Tags: Lao-ta, (Darth Caedes, Madrona A’Mia, Elmindra Xitaar) Private Booth Early evening Elim Thorne sat cradled in the corner of the booth, a well-thumbed sabacc deck riffling through his hands absent-mindedly as he watched the door. One boot tapped...
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