Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth fury

  1. Darth Fury

    Factory  Volton Technologies

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Volton Technologies Headquarters: Sai City, Saijo Locations: Jutrand Branch Office Operations: Vehicle manufacturing, Shipbuilding, Weapons, Armor, Components Parent...
  2. Darth Fury

    Private  Rise of Volton

    Volton Technologies Headquarters Planet Saijo Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber The sleek dark tower rose above the darkened skyline of Saijo, welcoming all to it's newly finished construction. Adding another modern skyscraper to the already clustered metropolis. Sai City was the...
  3. Darth Fury

    Approved Armor  Darth Fury's Armor

    Image Source DESCRIPTION The suit of armor was crafted and designed to specifically be worn on the battlefield or within other forms of combat. The gauntlets, greaves, pauldrons, and helmet are all made of Phrik. The leggings and torso are made of Cortosis while the belt is Turadium itself. The...
  4. Darth Fury

    Approved Melee Weapon  Darth Fury's Lightsaber

    SPECIAL FEATURES Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse Crude phobium emitter Kyber Crystals - red color Ornate design STRENGTHS Waterproof Casing: The lightsaber could ignite underwater. Phobium Emitter: Due to it's distinct emitter, the blade was more effective at aggressive styles of combat...
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