Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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darth patiens

  1. Darth Patiens

    Approved Lore  Holocron of Dark Knowledge

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To leave behind Darth Patiens knowledge and teachings Image Credit: source Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Holocron Name: Holocron of Dark Knowledge Alignment: Dark side Origin: Darth Patiens Affiliation: Darth Patiens...
  2. Darth Strosius

    Private  Back Alley Dealings

    Alisteri strode away after the conclusion of the meeting, having to pass through the crowds of civilians and marching soldiers as he sought a swift escape from the events of the day. The Sith Order was at "peace" once more, and just like all the other agreements between the leading Sith it was...
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