Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Balun Dashiell

    Dashiell Relief Fund - WIP

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To establish a Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to delivering critical relief and welfare support to those affected by war, ensuring aid reaches individuals and communities in crisis. This organization will provide emergency assistance, disaster...
  2. Balun Dashiell

    Private  Responsibility [Judah Dashiell]

    Joiol, The Dashiell Family Estate. The Liberty's Edge descended gracefully onto one of the external landing platforms reserved for family and guests of House Dashiell. Its repulsors hummed softly before cutting out, leaving only the whisper of the evening breeze sweeping across the estate. From...
  3. Kellan Dashiell

    Character  Kellan Dashiell

    Kellan Dashiell Mother Lady Falentra Father Balun Dashiell Age To be added. Species Genetically-Modified (Human/Sithspawn). Gender Male. Height 5'2. Weight 45 Kg's. Force Sensitive Positive. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Kellan Dashiell's deep blue skin shimmers with bioluminescent...
  4. Chi Chuchi

    Auction  SSB Auction (Primo Victorian, Dashiell Incorporated, Che Boutique, Starcraft Shipyards)

    SOUTHERN SYSTEMS AUCTION Welcome to the latest South Systems Auction! Here you may bid either in person or remotely for various items on offer from our partners in the CIG and other participants. Please observe the rules and maintain reasonable bid amounts. Chi looked out over the...
  5. Balun Dashiell

    Dashiell Retrofit™ Resources

    COMPANY LOCATIONS Type Name Bonus Information Acquired Orbital Shiyard Retrofit Orbital Foundry Retrofit Headquarters Link Mobile Workshop "The Nomad" Commercial Heavy Freighter BFF-1 bulk freighter Link - - - - COMPANY PRODUCTS Type Name Bonus Information Link To be added -...
  6. Balun Dashiell

    Dashiell Retrofit Planning

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION: Image Source: Midjourney. Canon Link: N/A. Primary Source: Dashiell Incorporated (Faction). Salacia Consolidated. CORPORATION INFORMATION: Corporation Name: Dashiell Retrofit™. Headquarters: Dashiell Orbital Foundry - Kesh Orbital Shipyard. Locations: "The...
  7. Caspian Dashiell

    Character  Caspian Dashiell

    Caspian Dashiell Name: Caspian Dashiell Species: Human, Distant Hapan Ancestry Age: Early 40s Gender: Male Height: 1.92 Weight:86.1 Kilos Homeworld: Saleucami Faction: Independent Occupation: Rancher Caspian is Saleucami born and raised. Born on the family ranch, Caspian took to...
  8. Makai Dashiell

    Private  What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life?

    THE WEDDING Myra Elspeth Arceneau | Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell | Thessa Kai | Iko Vel | Casteel Mer'taal | Persephone Dashiell
  9. Persephone Dashiell

    Character  Persephone Dashiell

    PERSEPHONE DASHIELL Nickname : Persie Age : Young Teen Species : Human, distant Hapan lineage Gender : Female Weight : Petite Height : Petite Force Sensitive : No Homeworld : Taris Strengths : Street Smart, Fashionista, Resourceful Weaknesses : Fashionista, Smart Mouth, Lost...
  10. Makai Dashiell

    Private  Eternal Flame [ Centrality ]

    Huila Station was jam packed. Vessels littered the space surrounding the station, jockeying for the limited docking spaces around the ring. Cargo vessels, personal transports, freighters, and the like all had to wait their turn. It caused nothing but chaos in the hangars and loading docks...
  11. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Take On Me

    Why am I being carried? Why do the arms feel hard? Metal? Head was pounding, it felt like it was about to split open. One side of his face was just in massive pain and it felt swollen? Bruised? Dizzy and nauseous just topped everything off. It felt as if he was hungover in a way but also ten...
  12. Ezekiel Dashiell

    Character  Ezekiel Dashiell

    NAME: Ezekiel Malachi Dashiell ALIAS: Zeke HOMEWORLD: Saleucami RESIDENCE: Here and there PROFESSION: Professional wanderer... and procurer of... items of value. MARITAL STATUS: Single FORCE SENSITIVE: No ALIGNMENT: My own? RANK: Captain, savvy. FACTION: Ahhh... I'm not the sort to be tied down...
  13. Danger Arceneau

    Private  Landslide

    Nathema Arceneau Trade - Persephone Base| Theme Several months ago Just because a woman is good at something doesn't necessarily mean it's what she should do in life. If that were the case, most women in the Arceneau family would be women of corporate means or Companions. For men, business is...
  14. Makai Dashiell

    Character  Makai Dashiell

    ] Makai Dashiell Birthplace Ceto Age Young Adult Rank Business Heir / CEO Faction Independent Home Joiol Species Half-Human Half-Galan Gender Male Force Sensitive No Height 1.82m Weight 77 Kg Hair Color Dark Brown Eye Color Blue Skin Color Tanned Distinctive features...
  15. Skyler

    Noelani Kai

    NAME: Noelani Kai RANK: Teenager SPECIES: Galan/Human AGE: 14 SEX: Female HEIGHT: Average WEIGHT: Average EYES: Iced-azure HAIR: Wild curls of brown FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS: · Aqua girl – can breathe underwater, create air bubbles for others to breathe underwater, and is a strong swimmer...
  16. M

    Legacies: The Rock Show

    [member="Makai Dashiell"] Royalty. Wealthy. Force Sensitive? Yes. The Baroness has grown up with a silver spoon, but for all the glamour there was a lot of hard work. High expectations, and a lot of pressure to carry on her mothers' legacies. She was the subject of a lot of teen magazines...
  17. Judah Dashiell

    Approved Tech  Salacia Consolidated's Algae Biofuel

    Image Source: Here Intent: To create an alternative fuel source for the galaxy. Development Thread: Yacht Club Manufacturer: Salacia Consolidated Model: Algae Biofuel [Liquid] Affiliation: Open Market Modularity: None Production: Mass Produced Material: Algae strains suited...
  18. Judah Dashiell

    Approved Tech  Ahi Fused Brick

    Image Source: Found here Intent: To provide a brick-like product that resists extreme heat, such as that from lava or extreme environments. Development Thread: If needed Manufacturer: Salacia Consolidated , Sub-Contractors of Salacia Consolidated Model: Ahi Fused Brick Affiliation: Open...
  19. Makai Dashiell

    Makai Dashiell

    NAME: Makai Dashiell FACTION: None - Sometimes hangs out with the Silver Sanctum RANK:#1 Son SPECIES: Half-Human, Half-Galan AGE: Currently under age 10 SEX: Male HEIGHT: Tall for age WEIGHT: Skinny for age EYES: Iced Azure HAIR: Driftwood brown SKIN: Tanned. Intermingled with patches...
  20. Judah Dashiell

    Approved Location  Sirene Islands

    Name: Sirene Islands Image Source: Link found here Classification: Islands [both small] Location: The Sirene Islands are located on the planet of Dac(or Mon Calamari). These islands are located well south of the Algae Sward sea, putting them out of the path of such phenomenon. Size: Both...
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