Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dax fyre

  1. Dax Perl

    Death is Not Permanent

    Location: Broken Earth, Won Shasot Below the monolithic Temple of Kings, beneath is roaring furnaces, heaving bellows, and hungry flames, a compound far more advanced than anything on the surface sits. Technology of a bygone era, considered advance, even by today's technological standards...
  2. Mauda

    Common Appetite

    The Weeping Cliffs Won Shasot Outer Rim Twilight _________________________________________________________ Around 4,000 years ago, they said a mere thought could draw Him. Nothing more than a fleeting glance in the mind, and He would arrive. And if indeed He was drawn, He brought with him...
  3. Dax Perl

    Life Day Among the Falling Petals

    No one saw them coming. Hardly anyone knew they'd existed except for the few who had visited the Firefist Galaxy. Like those of the Gossamer. Like Dax. Like [member="Kimiko"]. Kimiko. It had been far too long since Dax had seen his beautiful wife. Or heard her sweet voice. Unfortunately, their's...
  4. Dax Perl

    Dax Fyre's Super Duper Cool Character Bio Rework!

    >>Username: 41465850 >>Password: ************** >>ACCESS GRANTED >>Welcome Grand Marshall, how may I help you? >>access personnel\command\Grand Marshall\Fyre, Dax >>Accessing files... >>WARNING, CLASSIFIED: The following documents contain sensitive information, do not proceed without proper...
  5. Dax Perl

    I Made You a Promise, Didn't I?

    Out in a companion galaxy, one would think that someone would get lonely, what with the endless, months long voyages. But not so on a ship like the Gossamer. Sporting thousands of crew members, the Gossamer was always a busy place. But tonight, Dax was hoping to get away from all that, at least...
  6. Dax Perl

    The Masks That Are Worn

    Location: Kal'Shebbol "Awwww, c'mon man..." Hazlyn groaned, as his face grimaced, his face clearly showing the disgust that could not due the scene justice. "Well...that's not a way I wanna go down," a grimace on Dax's own face as he stared at the mess that'd been left behind. The Marshall...
  7. Dax Perl

    A Ghost From the Past

    Another collar, another planet, another crappy bar. Dax sat at the counter nursing yet another glass of Correllian Whiskey. For the first time in a long time, he wasn't there out of pity. He was there to just pass the time. He couldn't recall the last time he'd done that. He was waiting for the...
  8. Lilla Syrin

    The Demon Moon

    “The only advice I’ll give you when you’re in the jungle, shoot anything that moves. Then shoot the things that don’t move, just to be sure.” ― Kex Dxun was officially the largest of four moons that orbited the Inner Rim world of Onderon. Unofficially, it was a sister planet. For its size made...
  9. Dax Perl

    I Will Find You...

    Images flashed through Dax's mind, an old abandoned monastery, reptilian skin, figures in a dimly lit room, and strangely familiar voices. He couldn't quite put his finger on the distant, distorted voices, but he could hear the desperation in them. An unnerving feeling flooded over him as he...
  10. Dax Perl

    To Kill a Queen...

    The Marshall approached the Cyaron alongside [member="Kimiko"] and her crew, Tsubasa happily skipping alongside them. Dax, walked a little closer to Ki than he usually would have, but it didn't seem like a regular day anymore. A lot had happened. The Marshall addressed the other two Kitsune...
  11. Kimiko Taiyou

    The path of revenge begins with on a cold platter...

    Illum The Cyaron descended through the icy planet's atmosphere and immediately lost sight of anything below. They were in white-out conditions in the night time...what a time to visit. The group was paying a visit to planet after hearing rumors that the ancient Jedi crystal caves may still...
  12. Dax Perl

    Feedback on Dax (and His Writer)

    So, I've reached 3k posts after nearly two years of writing this character. Personally, I feel as if he's grown a lot, just as I have. But I also wanna know what you guys think of him. Things I need to improve, flesh out more, ideas for what I could do with him next, or even if you just like...
  13. Dax Perl

    My Friend and Enemy

    Location: Duro, a bar on one of the orbiting cities The dimmed lights of the bar shone into the even less lit street of the city as Dax quietly moved through the empty streets, beelining straight for the door. He needed a drink. Hell, at this point the man had begun to wonder if he was an...
  14. Dax Perl

    Stolen Goods

    Location: Outer Rim Coalition Space, leaving Aing-Tii system The Azalea shuddered as it broke through the planet's atmosphere, hot on the tail of another vessel. Smugglers weren't uncommon in the Outer Rim Coalition, hell, Dax wouldn't even be surprised if they made up more then half of the...
  15. Dax Perl

    Stolen Goods

    Double Thread Start?
  16. Dax Perl

    Filthy Smugglers

    Location: Exocron Exocron, a planet of smugglers, rumrunners, and a source for all manners of illicit goods. While most the Coalition didn't give a damn about, there were some that were of some amount of concern. Dangerous Sith artifacts tended to be at the top of that list. And that's why Dax...
  17. Dax Perl

    Approved Tech  Eel Gloves (EAL-1)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique solution to those who wield lightsabers Image Source: aiyeahhs on DeviantArt Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: [member='Dax Fyre'] Model: EAL - 1 Affiliation: Outer Rim...
  18. Dax Perl


    Location: Nar Shaddaa The cantina stank with smoke, spilled alcohol, body odor and piss. All in all, not the most pleasant establishment Dax had been to. They probably wouldn't pass the health safety inspection. But that wasn't why the man was here. And that wasn't why he had brought @Sena...
  19. Dax Perl

    Engine Failure

    Location: Unknown Dax swore loudly as the Azalea shuddered and spat threw herself out of hyperspace, long before it was supposed to. While the first loud expletive had been a result of being thrown out of hyperspace, the second yell was due to the fact that the Razer Class Frigate was hurtling...
  20. Dax Perl

    Ride Along

    Location: Kesh A man barreled through the streets of Kesh, pushing past people, leaving behind startled cries and not just a few people yelling expletives at him. Not that the man cared, he had other concerns at the moment. Tucked beneath his jacket sat two metal cylinders, the dulled metal...
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