Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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death watch

  1. Taeli Raaf

    Approved Tech  Death Watch Purge - Age of Chaos Pre-Constructed Deck

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A for Submission Death Watch Purge Exclusive Card Arts Clans of the Resol'nare Card Arts Primary Source: Age of Chaos: A Galactic Card Game PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Galactic Illusionary Gaming Material: Waterproof Flimsiplast -...
  2. Taeli Raaf

    Death Watch Purge Exclusive Cards

  3. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Lore  The Shadow Crusade: Akaan'werda

    "And there I beheld them; Wolves fighting Wolves" — Song of the Akaan'werda OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify a threaded civil war into a series of detailed historical events so that they may be remembered Image Credit: The Mandalorian: Chapter 24 Canon: N\A Permissions: N\A Links...
  4. Tae'l Vizsla

    Approved NPC  Lorayn — The Gravemind

    "Change begets sacrifice, Sacrifice begets change" — The Gravemind OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Codify Tae'l Vizsla's mentor; the accursed Armorer of Death Watch Image Credit: Will Nunes Role: Spiritual leader & Mandalorian Armorer Permissions: Links: Death Watch Supercommandos...
  5. Tae'l Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Beskar'kandar of Tae'l

    "I will just keep your helmet, as a memento" —Omon Kaa[1] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To replace a damaged Beskar'gam Image Source: Personal work on Pixiv Canon Link: Beskar'kandar Permissions: Manufacturing \ M.I Purchase Primary Source: Mandalorian Armor \ Previous Armor PRODUCTION...
  6. Y

    Character  Yuma Fyre - Child of the Watch

    Face Claim Helmet Full Body YUMA FYRE Birthplace Krieg Age 20 GSY Rank Mercenary Faction Children of the Watch Home Nomadic Species Nautolan Gender Female Voice: Kreigir Accent Force Sensitive Insufficient midichlorians Height 5'6" Build Curved, Athletic Eye...
  7. Tae'l Vizsla

    Private  Shot in the dark

    1 3 1 3 Tag: Samara Coruscant, Level 1313. The decaying underworld of what was, supposedly, once the capitol of a great galactic republic. Aloy had told her stories about these republics. How they were all, every last one of them, doomed to complacency and corruption. While Senators and Jedi...
  8. Apollyon The Betrayer

    Approved Tech  Armor of Betrayal - Tal'beskar'gam

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify the armor of Apollyon the Betrayer and a detailed reward for her defeat. Image Source: Emblem || Armor || Gauntlet || Canon Link: N\A Permissions: (For Tal'beskar usage) Primary Source: Mandalorian armor \\ Tal'beskar \\ PRODUCTION...
  9. Kreg Jare

    Character  Kreg Jare (W.I.P.)

    KREG JARE Music Mando Hu Style Aliases Solus ti te Kal "One with the sword" Class(es) Hunter Birthplace Mandalore Age Early Twenties Personality Traits Cunning Dangerous Unforgiving Vengeful Education Traits Hardened Warrior Rank(s) Hunter Faction(s) Clan Jare Death Watch The...
  10. Lord Letifer

    Dominion  Remember Your Place | BotM Dominion of Iol

    Iol, a lifeless world ran by the corporate authority of Tangan Industries. They have run the precious mining operations for entire millennia, hosting three colonial cities. For a time, the workers enjoyed better living conditions, and fair wages regulated by the Miner’s Union in Shirkel. Their...
  11. Rynn Vizsla

    Crusader Mk IV - Class Corvette

    Image Placeholder. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the next generation of Mandalorian warships. Image Source: Imperial Crusader Corvette | Steven Ta’s Artstation - Inspired by FractalSponge. Canon Link: Not Applicable. Permissions: Subaccount. Primary Source: Repurposed Canon...
  12. Milla Kryst

    Approved Location  Kryst Station 'Balac'

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the first headquarters of Clan Kryst and the starting industrial center for Clan Krysts companies, later to become a general space station for a Kryst Settlement Image Credit: N/A - Banner originally by Rynn Vizsla , edited Canon: N/A Permissions: Gir...
  13. Rynn Vizsla

    Campaign  Way of the Mandalore | The New Mandalore Campaign

    // Unknown Regions // Undiscovered Sector // Uncharted System // // Terrestrial Planetary Body - Type I Atmosphere: Habitable // // Continental Classifications with Variable Biomes; Predominantly Jungles and Oceanic // The Mandalore-that-was is gone. There were once fertile fields where...
  14. Z

    Character  Zulu Farr - Mischief for hire

    ZULU FARR Birthplace Dromund Kaas Age 24 GSY Rank Death Watch lieutenant Faction Kainate Home Highest bidder(TSE) Species Twi'lek(Lethan) Gender ♀️ Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'7" Weight 128lbs Hair Color N\A Eye Color Golden-Amber Skin Color Red Distinctive features...
  15. Aertan J’kai

    Character  Aertan J’kai

    Aertan J’Kai NAME: Aertan J’Kai FACTION: The Death Watch Crusade RANK: None SPECIES: Human AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5ft 10" WEIGHT: 160lbs EYES: Golden Yellow HAIR: White Blonde SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but this mostly heightened senses and reflexes, nothing like a Jedi or...
  16. Rynn Vizsla

    The Crusader's Manifest [ Wargear, Vehicles and Starships. ]

    ARMOURY MANIFEST RANGED WEAPON(S): Primary Weapon(s): GALAAR-15c Particle Blaster Carbine. RAWL-10a Phase-Pulse Longblaster. ARS-12 Marksman Rifle. Sidearm(s): WESTAR-35c Particle Blaster Pistol. SM-10a Modular Charric Blaster Pistol. PK-45 Peacemaker Sidearm - Limited Quantities...
  17. Saga of Valour

    Rebellion  Amongst the Ashes | The Rebellion of the Mandalore Hex [ DWC vs MU ]

    [ O O C _ T H R E A D ] There was no future for the world of Manda’yaim, or Mandalore as it was known in the common tongue. For centuries, the planet endured one catastrophe after another - leaving its surface nothing more than a barren, desolate wasteland. What resources the planet’s crust...
  18. Milla Kryst

    Character  Crusader Milla

    - Milla Ex-slave // DWC Crusader Real Name Milla Kryst Alias Scar (previous) Birthplace Unknown Age Unknown (Appears Early-Mid 30's, Physical Age 125-140 Years) Faction The Death Watch Crusade, Clan Kryst Rank None Political Affiliation Undeveloped Titles Mandalorian, Ex-Slave...
  19. T

    The Death Watch Crusade

  20. Rynn Vizsla

    Rebellion  Amongst the Ashes | The Rebellion of the Mandalore Hex [ DWC vs MU ] - OOC Thread

    THE DEATH WATCH CRUSADE THE MANDALORIAN UNION :// FACTION STAFF \\: Rynn Vizsla :// FACTION STAFF \\: Adenn Kyramud Naught but cowards and monsters dwelled on the cursed earth of Manda’yaim, or Mandalore as it was known in the common tongue. Those reclaimers, who’ve shed blood...
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