Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. L

    Private  Stolen Skies: The Desperate Engineer and the Vanishing Prototype

    The vast hangar pulsated with activity as Lira stood amidst a sea of components and tools. The exhaustion that weighed upon her was palpable, as she had just completed a grueling journey from one side of the Core to Nar Shaddaa and then to Naboo, all within a mere few days. Now, back on Nar...
  2. Jax Thio

    LFG  Bummed right now and I'm in desperate need of threads

    Hey guys, Let's just get this out of the way, for the past few months I've been struggling with my muse mainly because I've been working at my job. Well, on Monday I was told I had been terminated from my job and I've been out of it emotionally for the past couple of days. I'm just looking for...
  3. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  A Desperate Escape

    fa-play fa-pause As the darkness of the Maw spreads, so too does their reach extend throughout the Galaxy they hope to engulf. Following an educational excavation to Jedha, the Jedi training cruiser, Prospero, containing the hope of the Jedi and several ancient artifacts, is intercepted and...
  4. Sorr Kortu

    Dominion  A Desperate Rescue!: RTL Dominion of Dagobah

    "Mayday! Mayday! This is Captain Gass Soss of the Winged Beast! Our engines are shut down and we're losing altitude!" That was the last call from the Freighter: The Winged Beast. The crew was tasked with exploring Dagobah and retrieving a lost artifact that was hidden in the swamp before the...
  5. Neriya Dahle

    Private  Desperate times ask for a pair of good thieves

    “I gotta say,” said Neriya Dahle, carefully balancing her chair on its hind legs. “whoever the dude was who thought ta be smart and hire mercenaries, has gotta rethink their life choices.” She received a look of annoyance from the man on the opposite side of the desk. A quick glance at his...
  6. The White Knight

    Looking for anything at this point.

    I'm looking for just anything to do as a thread with this character at this point. I've tried to get it off the ground, but nothing has really taken off, or it has but not for long. I don't care if its a duel, or a lesson thing, or just a run in to make some friends, I'm up for anything at this...
  7. Salete Kel

    Looking for any RP

    Well, I haven't been on the site for a while and I've been deprived of RP for a very long time. Now all my characters are either stuck in slow RPs where I can't do anything else for fear of screwing up a story line or me just not wanting to use them, but I'd really like to RP with this...
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