Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. T

    Private  Uncovering Truth, Rewriting Destiny

    Outfit: Sentinel Standard Weapons: Lightsaber Tags: Valery Noble Days of no progress. Weeks of it. He had a face, but he couldn't put a name to it. Even when he'd been gone to Tython his people hadn't been able to come up with anything. Now, returned, he was back to work on the case. At the...
  2. Hakon Fett

    Faction  Vindication | Open to All Mandalorians | NEO

    “We are the culmination of everything Mandalorians once stood for and everything they now fear: success, domination, power. We, the Kyr'tsad, know what's best for our people, even though they don't know it themselves.” – Tor Vizsla, in his first speech as the Death Watch alor to Mandalore's...
  3. Raah Myfey

    Private  Dreams of Dark Destiny

    Location: Dark Force “Dreamscape” Outfit: Temptress Outfit Tags: Charles Castex As Raah slept the ancient holocron that she kept hidden in her quarters shined bright, blood red. The Togruta had been in possession of the artifact for decades now, but she had not been able to gain access to its...
  4. Derix Tirall

    Private  Destiny

    P O W E R PRINCE OF AFFLICTION TYRANT | UNKNOWN SPACE "A long time ago, in the not so far away reaches of our existence, there arose a shadow, a formidable force that sought to eclipse even the darkest corners of the galaxy. This shadow, known as Darth Solipsis, was like a star burning with...
  5. Aziraphale

    Private  Forging Destiny

  6. Tass Arceneau

    Discussion  Dice + new company system = character dev tool = DESTINY

    So we've got the company specializations: And we've got dice. I have this character in search of an ambition, been thinking about a company angle and wanted to try something fresh. Also wanted him to figure out what he's good at. Here's what I'm going to do: since the specializations are in...
  7. Jax Thio

    Private  Sword of Destiny

    Location: Christophsis Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Tiland Kortun When Jax's Lightsaber was destroyed by Carnifex-Demiurge, he meant to create a new one. There was one tiny problem though, Jax lost his connection to...
  8. Briana Sal-Soren

    Private  Children of Shiraya: A Destiny Forged

    Children of Shiraya: A Destiny Forged ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Off and on throughout their childhood, Hisashi had been there to protect her and her siblings. There wasn’t a time she could remember where he wasn’t there...
  9. Ladybug

    Private  Do You Believe In Destiny?

    Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) Overseer of Science Development, Knight Warden of the Shroud Location: Felacat Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit) Ship...
  10. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  When Destiny Assigns Wisdom

    As he stepped across the threshold, Arcturus could not help but breathe in the scent of countless aging books. It had been too long since he'd come here of his own volition. His previous visit had been the result of him hunting down Hyrva Vh'akli for lessons on Blood Magic, and while he'd come...
  11. Bovos

    Character  Bovos Tivken

    NAME: Bovos Tivken FACTION: Mithrax RANK: Mithrax Mechanic SPECIES: Cha'ta'ri AGE: 15 years old SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.1 meters / 6.8 foot WEIGHT: 200kg EYES: Light Blue HAIR: Bovos does not have a mane nor does he have hair SKIN: Light Grey FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive but...
  12. Mithara Cohen

    First Reply  The Line Begins Anew

    Euceron There was a loud gasp as Mithara woke up, giving a small coughing fit as he rolled to the side as the desert sand filled him in areas he did not want to feel. Slowly leaning up, he would feel the harsh wind blow around him as he had encamped in a small rock structure that had several...
  13. Arctorius


    Male Titan Female Titan OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To create a new species that creates both complications and fun in RP. Image Credit: Female, Male Canon: N/A Links: Savitor Draay(Half-Titan) GENERAL INFORMATIONName: Titan Designation: Sapient Homeworld: Weik Language: Tiron Average...
  14. Orphen

    Destiny Playerbase!

    Now that the Taken King is out, and it's AWESOME! Didn't see one of these, so I thought I would make one! Feel free to post your names in here if you would like to find groups and people who play Destiny, especially with those pesky 6 men groups which CAN be impossible to organize. So yeah...
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