Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Orion Darkstar

    Private  The Wardens of Silence

    Bimmisaari was just at the border of Sith influence to the south of their expansion. This made things rather easy when it came to time for travel, but more difficult given the fact that the world was still heavily under the influence of the Silver Jedi Order. It was amazing to think that such...
  2. NT-6922

    Marine Change

    Natassia sighed as she arrived at the checkpoint of Trayus Laboratory. She had never been on Malachor before, most of her attempts to familiarize herself with the society, culture and function of the Sith Empire having taken place on Bastion. Despite the fact that she was technically a...
  3. Tour Sera

    RP Interest: To Found a Planet

    Hello all, I've noticed that Kalzeron is not canon, despite its being on the Star Wars Essential Atlas and its native Kalzerians mentioned in the Star Wars Adventure Journal. This is a problem, as I want a homeworld for Tour. So, would anyone be interested in getting stuck in with Kalzerians...
  4. Sear Gaalsien

    The Destroyer's Axe

    Hutta Town, Nar Shadaa "Smuggler's Moon" It came as little surprise to the Gaalsien captain that the lair of bounty hunters, mercenaries, cartel bosses and smuggling rings was just the place she'd find her contact. It wasn't the first time she'd have to work with the darker end of the galaxy's...
  5. Zagara Vao

    Coming of Age (Attn: Kalis Affassa, Damien Daemon)

    It was going to be a long day. After countless solar cycles riddled with brutal training, near-fatal endurance sessions and a fastidious military diet - it came down to this. As was custom in Mandalorian culture, Zagara Vao, now nicknamed Sonorous for her deep, rich appreciation for a wide...
  6. Zagara Vao

    Coming of Age (ATTN: KALIS AFFASSA)

    It was going to be a long day. After countless solar cycles riddled with brutal training, near-fatal endurance sessions and a fastidious military diet - it came down to this. As was custom in Mandalorian culture, Zagara Vao, now nicknamed Sonorous for her deep, rich appreciation for a wide...
  7. Cyrus Tregessar

    Act II: The Hook

    For several days now the Shadow-class corvette Furtive had been sitting almost idly in deep space, hundreds of light years away from any inhabited star system. Standard procedure for a deep reconnaissance patrol, but for once they had a very specific target in mind, rather than just general...
  8. Miss Blonde

    The Old Days [pm to join]

    Planet: Antecedent Location: Orbit Local time: 1900 Objective: Secure The Dragon Palace Casino Old wounds sometimes didn't heal all that well, memories that passed your mind and hurt knowing that you couldn't do anything about them. Antecedent had a lot of those memories for Patricia...
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