Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION CELLS || Directory

    H A X I O N C E L L S Welcome to Haxion Brood! This is a designated space for recording the details of your Cells. Once complete, we will add it to the directory list and create signature bling below. Please use the included template when posting. If you have any questions, please post them...
  2. Annika Starfire

    Looking for Master/Apprentice directory

    Looking for Master/Apprentice This thread is a tool to help people seek a compatible character/writer to match up with their own character for learning arcs. We all know how quickly things can get lost in the lfg chats so this will hopefully be a helpful resource which is more static. Post...
  3. Aeshi Tillian

    LFG  Planets & Trade Goods Directory

    Hey! I’m back at it again with the Rimward Trade League dice system shenanigans. Except instead of a long distance race, this time it’s a rule set for trading mechanics focusing on the nitty gritty details to better facilitate that sort of narrative, even if it’s just solo stuff. However, part...
  4. V

    Imperial Directory | Character Archives

  5. John Locke

    Super Star Destroyer List

    The following list contains all of the active and approved Super Star Destroyers (as defined by the Factory Standardized Rules.) Any Super Star Destroyer(s) submission(s) may be removed from this list if their submitting Major Faction becomes Minor and is unable to field these vessels, or...
  6. Kira Talith

    Codex of Masters and Professors

    C O D E X O F M A S T E R S A N D P R O F E S S O R S Here is a list of the Masters and Professors at the various Jedi Academies. Each entry details a Professor and their subsequent list of skills and subjects they are willing to teach to another generation. Each House within...
  7. Danger Arceneau

    Job Board Directory

    THE JOB BOARD DIRECTORY The following will be a quick index towards the posted Job boards for various companies, governments, or entities. Hyperlane Creation Missions (Rewards Tasty) Tenloss Corporation Job Board I Tenloss Corporation Job Board II The Underground - Smuggler Job Board -...
  8. Danger Arceneau

    Marketplace Directory

    MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY The following will be a quick index towards the posted company marketplace threads in this forum. A company will be listed under the more 'well known' specialties rather than every product you can make. Technology Starship Service Companies Trade Stations
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