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In the days since he'd reclaimed his home, Caelan had often found himself wandering through it. One of the first things he'd done since returning was have everything removed from his parents room and put into archival. He couldn't go in there with everything from them still there. He'd tried, at...
Most wouldn't think that the planet of Belgaroth would hold anything of value. It was mainly a scrapyard world, with junk and debris being dumped onto the planet without a second thought. The planet itself was becoming toxic and inhospitable to live. Yet as the saying goes, one man's trash is...
Uncharted System Rimward of Er'Stacia
In the gap of the spiral arm
It was a common misconception that the gaps between the galactic spiral arms were devoid of stars.
On a map, that's the way it seemed. Big empty spaces, absent of anything that might be interesting...
There was a stillness to his form. While the young man laid upon the ground on the shore of an underground lake of water. No sign to indicate life within him. While he seemed to be caught in some form of stasis. Brought upon him by forces beyond recognition. Other than perhaps that of the will...
Nar Shaddaa. A world of criminals, outlaws and other more nefarious types. At least, the galaxy saw them as nefarious. Compared to the darkness Kathal himself experimented with every day, the denizens of the ecumenopolis were saints. When he had arrived on the world, cloaked in a dark green and...
The Sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon from the expeditionary group's position. In groups of four, they each trekked their mandated routes through the craggy, bleak, desecrated landscape. Twelve groups in total were dispatched in concordance with aerial reconnaissance droids and the...
The low hum of the Sprint class medical ship was soothing enough to now be only a calming white noise that caused a low hum, and a constant vibration throughout the entire hull of the ship. Much of the ship was in poor repair, and it would be any strangers ship scanning that would suspect for...
Subject 73 Red Venerable of Zakuul Song Darth Faef
Alli Vern was at the station orbiting the planet Feccun in the Loma System. It was a bare basics station as the ZU started moving more resources this direction. This system was going to be their home and most of their movement was focused on...
Palace Grounds
Kimiko had been unusually focused, since the return of her eldest daughter from the rescue mission on Saijo. It had steeled a certain resolve within the woman, and yet, inside, her own mind could not completely push itself completely where certain parts desired. It hadn't...
Location: Moon-37-Omega, system without name
A moon. Located in the southeastern Inner rim, but far from any known trade routes and hyper lanes, the plantoid had been untouched for millenia, the entire system did not had any visitors for a very long time, except for one. A single individual was...
I always enjoyed a walk. They calmed me down and helped me to reduce the stress that I had in my life. With becoming one of the head students of Vur Tepe, Training [member="Sahna Te"], and as always, doing my best to try and fight the demons that have been plaguing my mind. I still seemed to...
Injuries still pained him, burning lines of sensation and agony from his fight with the murder tooth. Perhaps it had been fool-hardy, or perhaps it had been just the right thing. Regardless, most of those on the medical frigate had treated him like some man possessed. Always he had commanded...
Krayiss II - 847 A.B.Y
2132 Hours
What became of the ancient Sith empire was all but an afterthought nowadays, with the One Sith stampeding throughout the galaxy and free thought suppressed like almost never before, but even the sands of time have only hidden, buried, the relics of that past...
Pax Insul - Year: 844 ABY
It has been ten thousand,two hundred and ninety-four long years. The lives that have been born and lost from then to now seem like mere ants in the grand scheme of things, and even smaller to the woman that dwelt in slumber deep within the confines of this once-lost...
Aela's eyes snapped open, her lips parting and a quick breath sucking into her lung.
Something was wrong.
She could feel it, sense it. Her entire body surged and thrummed with a sort of energy. Her eyes, bright orange suns seemed to fade for a second, and she caught a flash of something. Her...
Concordia, one of the two moons that Orbited the planet of Mandalore and like the planet that it orbited, it too had beskar, the nearly indistructible metal that in the past fueled the Mandalorian war machine. Because of this, Concordia's once lush surface had been desimated by mines and battles...
Eeth Kolar
the mandalorians