Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Model: Advanced Product Distribution System

    SPECIAL FEATURES Lootbox: Designed as a combination of two types of technology. Far-Casting relocation technologies and their programmable matter conversion system. It allows Sasori to sell products to people from their devices and translocate the item to them. For a price of course. STRENGTHS...
  2. Xazzex Xivar

    Hydra Systems

    Image Source: DefiantArt Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Corporation Name: Hydra Systems Headquarters: Falleen Locations: Roon, Ryloth Operations: Logistics, Shipping, Distribution, Warehousing, Ship & Droid Repair Parent Corporation: Leviathan Ring [Unofficially] Subsidiaries: N/A...
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