Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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dragon guard

  1. Darth Imperius

    LFG  The War Beyond - The Threat

    Hello There o/ I have been considering the idea for a while now and during my little pause it has just grown in my interest to do it! Originally intended for it to be a faction campaign, I have now opted for making it public and seeing where it leads the participants. The War Beyond is a...
  2. Darth Imperius

    Approved Species  Elder Dragons - The Children of Zildrog

    An Izaxian Ancient OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new take on an important part of the culture and history of Zakuul with an ancient species as well as submitting dope, massive dragons. Image Credit: Artstation Game of Thrones Ancalagon Wiki The Hobbit House of the Dragon...
  3. Darth Ultramar

    Character  Darth Ultramar

    Darth Ultramar Social Information Full Name: Unknown Homeworld: Panatha Titles: Darth Ultramar High Shaman of the Dragon Guard Factions: The Sith Empire Sith Ascendant Order The Kainate Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith Aliases: Red Wake Voice of Darkness Physical Information Species...
  4. Darth Imperius

    Character  Aurelian - The Griffin of Vandemar

    A U R E L I A N The Griffin of Vandemar | BASIC INFORMATION | Full Name: Aurelian Sigismund Homeworld: Zakuul Faction: Eternal Empire Ranks: Overlord of the Eternal Empire Champion of the Dragon Guard Hegemon of Vandemar and Zakuul High Imperator of the Eternal Legion Lord Commander of the...
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