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Dreadguard... It was what he was now, a part of him, that word... To most, it was a name fallen into recent myth, a phoenix flare that had faded into obscurity. But for him? The Forge Lord was hardly one prone to being overly sentimental, but after Fondor... After Mustafar.. He had rather...
Location: Mustafarian Orbit
Ijaat rested in a dream like state, tranquilized and sedated chemically into a coma like existence to try and keep the man from destroying anything or anyone further in his psychosis.... For a long time, his mind had been strained, weakened and dangerously close to...
There were few in the Galaxy who understood metallurgy as well as he himself did really. The unique abilities of alloys, or laminated and forgewelding materials... The smelting of entirely new classes of raw class to work with and from. As he waited for his guest, the newly christened Forge Lord...
(Slower thread as most of us are preparing for Thanksgiving festivities)
The Malleus Maleficarum was en route to Mustafar. The newly christened warship was built for the express purpose of serving the Dread Legions' needs, be they combat or domestic. The legions would have a home aboard the...
Name: The Dreadguard MK III
Designation: Sentient (Bio-Engineered/Vong-Shaped)
Homeworld: None (If any, Concord Dawn, since their creator is from there)
Language: Galactic Basic, Mando'a, Hand-signals/talk (All other language is wiped from memory)
Average height of adults: 1.75-2.5 Meters...
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Name: Marcus Itera
Alias: DG-43, Pappy
Species: Human, Vongformed
Homeworld: Coruscant
Faction: Independent
Rank: Mercenary
Force Sensitive: Force Dead
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Type I)
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Gender: Male
Age: Thirty Two
Height: Six Feet, two inches
Weight: Two hundred and fifteen...