Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Yuria Braay

    LFG  Corporate Skulduggery and Kuat Drive Yards

    So I got a fresh new character here and looking to get her stuck in. Yuria is a representative of sorts for KDY and her main focus is rebuilding the brand in the wake of the Kuat Crisis which happened ICly over twenty years ago. She's mostly looking to make the name Kuat Drive Yards mean...
  2. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Haal'miit' Ion-Atmospheric Hybrid Drive

    PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Molecularly bonded Duranium (frame, some internal parts), Molecularly bonded Duranium-Reinforced Duraplast plating, Agrinium mesh, Dallorian alloy...
  3. Derron Daks

    Approved Tech  DDSI Applied Sciences - Gravity Drive

    Image Source: prompted by me SPECIAL FEATURES Advanced Tensor Fields work with Graviton collectors to provide propulsion to a vehicle or starship. STRENGTHS Allows vehicle/ship to move through three dimensional space without being impacted by gravity fields. Leaves no...
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