Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Das Hydia

    Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Used with permission from Khuroq. Canon Link: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems Primary Source: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems Headquarters: Duro Arcology Locations: Duro...
  2. Das Hydia


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Created with LogoPony Canon Link: DuroTech Primary Source: / CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: DuroTech Headquarters: Duro Arcology Locations: Duro Operations: Starship & Vehicle Manufacturing, Data Systems, Military Hardware, Cybernetics...
  3. Pahul Vitorbreeze

    Public  Badlands of Duro

    Home to the native species known as the Duros, the planet Duro was temperate and decent in terms of tourism in the cities and towns that were nearby. However..The further out amongst the many mountains, plains and even deserts...It can turn pretty chaotic. Creatures and untamed beasts roam the...
  4. Mazik Stazi

    Approved Location  Duro Arcology

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a record of Duro's current state which adapts the core EU themes to modern Chaos canon. Image Credit: Jupiter Ascending Concept Art by Philippe Gaulier Jupiter Ascending Concept Art by Olivier Pron Elon Station/Orbital Ring by Brad Wright Canon...
  5. Mazik Stazi

    Approved Starship  Ena-class Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a heavy capital ship for Duro which reflects their manufacturing power. Image Source: Painting of Homeworld by Andrey Lifanov Canon Link: / Permissions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems...
  6. K

    Approved Starship  Tayana-Class Orbital Construction Shipyards

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create Shipyards for Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems and Duro. Image Source: Bentusi cargo transfer at Amber Nebula. 4k wallpaper - u/Lord_Pelaxus The Great Harbour Ship of Bentus Homeworld 2 - Gearbox Software, Relic Entertainment Company Logo: Aurebesh...
  7. K

    Character  Ced Vanseim

    NAME: Ced Vanseim FACTION: The Republic RANK: Chief Executive Officer SPECIES: Duros AGE: Fourties SEX: Male HEIGHT: Average WEIGHT: Average EYES: Red HAIR: N/A SKIN: Petrol FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: + Rich* - Non-Combatant - Non-Force Sensitive *-ish...
  8. Lucent Echo

    Jurassic Kingdom - SJO Dom of the New Plympto Hex

    New Plympto - The backwater of the Core. Despite sharing the same region as planets like Corellia, Coruscant, and Duro, for thousands of years New Plympto has been an isolated system unto its own, swaying between larger groups as they came and went, often left to its own devices due to a lack...
  9. Dax Perl

    My Friend and Enemy

    Location: Duro, a bar on one of the orbiting cities The dimmed lights of the bar shone into the even less lit street of the city as Dax quietly moved through the empty streets, beelining straight for the door. He needed a drink. Hell, at this point the man had begun to wonder if he was an...
  10. Baghead

    A Grand Show For All

    The alleyways were dim and dank, something Baghead had come accustomed to, but not any less disgusted since his first interaction. The world of Duro, or more accurately, the space cities of Duro, had been polluted with technology and development, its people greedy and self-serving, no that would...
  11. cheshire_kitty

    Claiming Cortosis (Duro)

    Location: Duro, outside a mine. Cortosis, a highly sought after material was plentiful on Duro, just below the southern boarders of the One Sith's territory. It was material Konrad intended to claim for the One Sith military for its anti-lightsaber properties. The military mostly consisted of...
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