Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Serina Calis

    Approved Melee Weapon  Ebon Requiem

    Ebon Requiem OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A custom halberd forged by Rayia Si for an enigmatic figure in disguise, meant to serve as both a weapon and symbol of their bond and shared path. Image Source: N/A (If I ever get a good image I want to use in the future, I will just ask...
  2. C

    Ready For Judge  Ebon Hawk

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal Smuggling Starship for Cole Renfro Image Source: X Canon Link: X Permissions: Primary Source: X PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation, Cole Renfro Affiliation: Cole Renfro Model: illegally...
  3. Joycelyn Zambrano

    Approved Starship  Ebon Shard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a ramship for Joycelyn Zambrano's new career in piracy. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: Ramship (Wookieepedia) Xiphos-class Super Star Dreadnought. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Joycelyn Zambrano...
  4. Sirak Kolar

    A New Disciple

    Ebon sat high in the stands of of Glee Anselm’s raunchy arena, next to him hundreds of holotapes dissecting each of the students in the academy, each desperately trying to prove themselves to one of the Sith Knights and Lords that often come to purvey new stock in their arsenal. Today was just...
  5. Sirak Kolar

    Ebon │ Balagoth's Herald

    │Social Information│ │Name│Sirak Kolar │Alias│Ebon │Titles│ Arch-Angel of Nar Shadda Butcher of Little Coruscant ​Warlord of Dantoonie Balagoth's Herald ​​​ │Faction│ The One Sith │Rank│ Sith Inquisitor - Acolyte Sith Knight │Homeworld│Iridonia │Living Situation│ Aboard The Eschatol...
  6. Sirak Kolar

    Approved Tech  A Warlord's Weapon of Choice

    Image Source: Intent: Personal Lightsaber for Ebon Development Thread: The Zabrak That Could, And Would Manufacturer: Ebon, himself. Model: Double Bladed Lightsaber Affiliation: N/A Modularity: Yes (Crystals...
  7. Sirak Kolar

    Approved NPC  Balagoth's Sainthood

    (Image Credit: Name: Balagoth's Sainthood Intent: To create an active force under Ebon for story line purposes, a foundation for a future campaign, and to man a custom ship to be made. Affiliation: Ebon, Previously to the Primeval...
  8. Sirak Kolar

    Loose Ends

    The street exploded in screams, it’s cramped occupant’s faces of horror covered in blood as the harsh whizzing of a lightsaber blade permeated the air. Between the cries, another swish, slash, and cut broke the silence, a cacophony of carnage bellowing outwards from the underbelly of Nar...
  9. Sirak Kolar

    Deorum Lamina│The Kaiburr Shard

    Ebon’s eyes wandered around the small cockpit he shared with himself. His thoughts passed by the events of the past few weeks, from finding more agents to serve him, to the missing blades he sought to replace. Next to him now lay a rather plain, vindictive reminder of his failure on Korriban, a...
  10. Sirak Kolar

    An Information Broker Undone

    What was once the home of squatters, spice dealers, and underworld wannabes, became a horrid display of rectification in the eyes of the Primeval. All through the near empty building laid the strewn body parts of fallen criminals, their blood sprayed across the walls in a artistic display of...
  11. Sirak Kolar

    Ebon - Sirak Kolar [WIP]

    "This one is all over but the lamentation." │Social Information│ │Name│Sirak Kolar │Alias│Ebon │Titles│ Arch-Angel of Nar Shadda Butcher of Little Coruscant ​Warlord of Dantoonie ​​​ │Faction│ The One Sith │Rank│ Sith Inquisitor - Acolyte Sith Knight │Homeworld│Iridonia │Living...
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