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Location: Dojo, Training Center - Malsheem
Objective: Purge Weakness
Tag: Nova Ka
Ellissanthia was not a fighter. Not in terms of hand-to-hand or lightsaber combat. And yet, the Undine increasingly found herself locked in such undesirable engagements anyway. Even with her abilities, her...
Location: Orbit of Ankhanos - Thanaton System
Objective: Retrieve Souls
Tag: Serina Calis
Ellissanthia gave a sharp breath as the dancing hues of hyperspace gave way to the dark, celestial void of realspace. The shuttle gave a slight shudder in the process, mimicking the wash of disquiet that...
Location: Catharian Mountain Range - Cathar
Objective: Find the Hidden Ascendant Vault
Tag: Rieka
The Catharian Mountain Range was as vast as it was dangerous. Not just for the height of its peaks and the narrowness of its escarpments, but also for the imposing size of the various fauna which...
Location: Hangar Bay, Dromund Kaas Eclipse Sect Temple Fortress - High Orbit of Dromund Kaas
Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr
It was always an event when a Sith Lord visited a temple of the Eclipse Sect. However, this particular occasion was different. The visitor was no ordinary Lord, but...