Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aleratha Tel'alith

    Approved Tech  Veil Network

    SPECIAL FEATURES Double encryption network end to end Can reactivate a ships AI (If a independently using company decides to go that route) Can control regular comm to do actions E.G. send a droid control signal from one ship three nodes over and jump on the regular comm to finish sending the...
  2. Aleratha Tel'alith

    Approved Tech  Veil Transceiver

    SPECIAL FEATURES Quantum entangled bit: Used to change the main encryption algorithm at the set time Main dedicated encryption unit: thus freeing up the main processor for the rest of the tasks Purposely Built: Its design has been crafted over centuries and refined with data over time...
  3. Jocelyn

    Spec Tech Innovations

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Personal Artistic Skills + DALL.E Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Spec Tech Innovations Headquarters: Centerra Locations: Coruscant Ilum Shili Chandrila Eshan Centerra Operations: High-performance...
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