Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kyric

    Hard Truths | Pt. II

    Hard Truths Balance Prequels Eve of Destruction: Coruscant’s Crescendo | Soft Eyes, Soft Dreams | Long Live the Empire: Eclipse Creuat | Darth Solipsis | Sol Dara When Kyric next awoke, he silently thanked the Force for the lack of horrific LED lighting blaring down into his cornea. A soft...
  2. Kyric

    Hard Truths | Pt. I

    Hard Truths Balance Prequels Eve of Destruction: Coruscant’s Crescendo | Soft Eyes, Soft Dreams | Long Live the Empire: Eclipse Sol Dara A violent metallic screech cut through the ashen haze that had befallen Kyric Karis in recent hours. He strained to lift his head, only to feel a gentle...
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