Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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eternal empire of zakuul

  1. Darth Imperius

    Approved Lore  The Knights of Zakuul

    Knights of Zakuul Intent: [ To finally submit an updated and contemporary version of the Knights of Zakuul. ] Image Credit: Symbol by Carpy/Darth Tacitus Headders by Ingrid L'lerim SWTOR Sacrifice Canon: [ Knights of Zakuul ] Permissions: [ N/A ] Links: [ Zakuul, Iokath [canon], Iokath...
  2. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Grace of Izax

    Source GRACE OF IZAX Force Enhancing: The Amulet allows the user to amplify and increase their connection to the Force in various ways. Focus Power Precognition Regalia: The Amulet serves as the 'crown jewel' and sign of office for the Immortal Master and Protector of Zakuul, the Eternal...
  3. Darth Imperius

    Approved Armor  Dragon Aegis of Zakuul

    Aurelian Sigismund's personal Aegis ✠ DRAGON AEGIS OF ZAKUUL ✠ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Artstation, Reactor Permissions: DE, Jaeger, TriTech PRODUCTION INFORMATION Affiliation: Aurelian Sigismund, Belisarius Vactovion, Valkoryen Sunfell, Zakuul/Eternal Empire Leadership...
  4. Valkoryen

    Character  Valkoryen

    VALKORYEN Theme The Eternal Throne Full Name Valkoryen Sunfell Alias(es) Prince Wanderer Title(s) Prince-Claimant of the Eternal Empire Master and Protector of Zakuul Address: Valkoryen Sire Class(es) Paladin Noble Crusader Origin Zakuul Age Unknown Rank(s) High...
  5. Darth Imperius

    Private  A New Perspective

    ZAKUUL | THE SPIRE | THRONE ROOM NEW HORIZONS - PART I Aurelian stood in the dome of the Eternal Throne room, on the far left side of the podium itself, not having climbed any of the stairs as he observed the outside. Clouds cozying the city-spires of Zakuul, the red moon on lowering on the...
  6. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Zakuul Lorica

    ZAKUUL LORICA OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a casual and off-battle armour for Vandemar and Zakuul. Image Source: Skyrim Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Olympian Armorsmiths Affiliation: Imperial Technocracy Market...
  7. Darth Imperius

    Approved NPC  Legionary Cohort - Eternal Legion of Zakuul

    ETERNAL LEGION OF ZAKUUL ✠ LEGIONARY COHORT ✠ "My honour is my life. My duty is my fate. My fear is to fail. My craft is death. My pledge is eternal service. I owe my service to the Imperator." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit the standard clone trooper unit of the Eternal...
  8. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Eternal Legion Gladius

    ETERNAL LEGION GLADIUS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a melee weapon for the Eternal Legion. Image Source: Nexus Canon Link: Vibroweapon Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Vibroblade PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Olympian Armorsmiths Affiliation: Imperial Technocracy...
  9. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Grace of Izax

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an important artifact for Zakuul and Vandemar. Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aurelian Sigismund Affiliation: Aurelian Sigismund, Eternal Emperor of Zakuul...
  10. Darth Imperius

    Private  Ad Aeternam

    { T H E ME } THE GRIFFIN OF ZAKUUL HEGEMON OF VANDEMAR AND ZAKUUL MOFF OF VANDEMAR IMPERATOR OF THE GRAND LEGION EXARCH OF ZAKUUL Tags: Haraldr Stormfang | Primarion Hiperius | Valerian Sigismund ZAKUUL | THE SPIRE | THE BEGINNING PART I Aurelian did not plan for this to happen in this...
  11. Darth Imperius

    Approved NPC  Horizon Guard Spear Host

    HORIZON GUARD SPEAR HOST "I serve for life, but I don't serve for long." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ To recreate this historical enforcer and bodyguard unit in the current time. ] Image Credit: [ Wookie ] Role: [ Various. ] Permissions: [ N/A ] Links: [ Horizon Guard, Purge...
  12. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Horizon Guard Battle Aegis

    HORIZON GUARD BATTLE AEGIS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To recreate the armor of the elite Horizon Guard of Zakuul. Image Source: SWTOR Canon Link: Horizon Guard Permissions: Primary Source: Imperial Knight Armor, Emperors Royal Guard Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  13. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Tyth's Revenge

    TYTH'S REVENGE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the leader and prototype of the new generation of heavy combat droids. Image Source: Wookie Canon Link: Tyth Permissions: TriTech Primary Source: Tyth PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Horizon Manufactorum, Aurelian Sigismund...
  14. Darth Imperius

    Approved Starship  Ultor Starfighter

    ULTOR STARFIGHTER OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a versatile starfighter for Vandemar and Zakuul. Image Source: Wookie Canon Link: Zakuul Fighter Permissions: Jaeger Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering Affiliation: Grand Legion...
  15. Darth Imperius

    Approved NPC  Shield Host Tyth - Knights of Zakuul

    SHIELD HOST TYTH "…Storm the battlefield with Tyth, god of rage. The Firstborn of Izax and Scyva leads us to victory against the profane outlanders. Raise your bloodied fist and cry triumph…" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally get the Knights of Zakuul back in action with their...
  16. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Skytroopers

    SKYTROOPERS HEAVY SKYTROOPERS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub the classy and awesome Skytrooper series for the current setting. Image Source: Artstation & Printables Canon Link: Skytrooper Permissions: N/A Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are...
  17. Darth Imperius

    Approved NPC  Shield Host Aivela - Knights of Zakuul

    SHIELD HOST AIVELA "…Burn all doubt in the fires of Aivela, our goddess of passion. The Favored Daughter stands beside her brother Tyth on every battlefield, radiating grace to the fearless…" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally get the Knights of Zakuul back in action with their...
  18. Darth Imperius

    Character  Aurelian - The Griffin of Vandemar

    A U R E L I A N The Griffin of Vandemar | BASIC INFORMATION | Full Name: Aurelian Sigismund Homeworld: Zakuul Faction: Eternal Empire Ranks: Overlord of the Eternal Empire Champion of the Dragon Guard Hegemon of Vandemar and Zakuul High Imperator of the Eternal Legion Lord Commander of the...
  19. Kay-Larr

    War of Thrones, War of Empires

    Hey everyone :) The true Eternal Empire is in need of more personages for a couple of plots that are well on their way. -The first is a War for the Eternal Throne. [member="Darth Tacitus"] claims the title of Eternal Emperor simply for being a leader of a people that suffered. Well, the same...
  20. Kay-Larr

    To Catch Some Spies

    Zakuul has some First Order elite executing acts of terrorism and sabotage in it's cities, most especially Zakuul city. I'm looking for First Order character writers to be the special ops teams. Can't let [member="Robogeber"] do all of it himself ;) [member="Kyrel Ren"] , what about you? All of...
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