Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Marr'tystiq

    Public  Eve of Destruction: Coruscant's Crescendo | Open to All

    CORUSCANT | UNDERWORLD | DOOMSDAY EVE 11:49:30PM fa-play fa-pause From the lowest levels of the underground to the tippy-tops of skyscrapers, the layers of Coruscant were vibrant with an energy that had been vying to be released since the Senate’s decision to relocate. Migrating to Fondor...
  2. Vianca Mecetti

    Faction  On the Eve of Destruction

    Location: MHGN Banshee, amidst an endless fleet assembled near Coruscant Open to House Mecetti with special attention to Lady Pawla Arsec of Grindera and Salacia Consolidated and Arceneau Trade with special attention to Makai Dashiell The space around Coruscant was littered with ships...
  3. Danger Arceneau

    The Eve Foundation Series Licences

    SERIES 100 MERCHANT Series License Request: (e.g. 100 Industrial Series, 200 Medical Series, Ordinance, Food, Espionage) Name Of The Company: (Name as it appears in the company forum.) Link To Company Page: (Located in the Factory Company forum.) Link To Current Presentation: (This will be a...
  4. Kahlil Noble

    Private  The Eve Of Another War

    Everything was snowballing. The skirmish against the Sith Empire, what happened with Lily Decoria, the confrontation with the Mandalorians. Kahlil had already resolved to take a more hands on approach with his Padawans in the coming conflicts, but now there was a whole different training...
  5. Valery Noble

    Private  On the Eve of Battle

    Prosperity Outfit: Factory Link Appearance: Link Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Jannik Morlandt Within one of many meditation rooms on the Prosperity, Valery sat crossed-legged and with her eyes closed. Her mind was calm, her breathing steady and for the last hour or so, she had fallen deeply into...
  6. Samuel Bergen

    Faction  Chaos was the Law of Nature (Agents of Chaos)

    I had no intention of going back to Ossus. This journey to the Unknown Regions had been an eye-opener; my life had been wasted within the Sith Empire territory. I was a wolf, I am a wolf. At thirty-one, I'm well aware of a nearly half of my life had been wasted. Enough of that. The day had...
  7. Asteria deWinter

    Approved Location  Red Lady Establishment [Eve]

    Intent: To expend the Red Lady business onto a new location, and expand clientele. Image Credit: Each artwork within this thread was done by myself, using the images listed bellow. Lotus building Lotus building Lotus building Royal Festival Fair savings Into film Pinterest Aerial silk...
  8. Madalena Antares

    Faction  The Endless | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt

    The Tower. Madalena sat behind her desk, her back towards the setting sun of Eve, as she gazed at the paperwork in front of her. It'd been a while since she'd returned from the captivity with the Outer Planets Alliance, and only now had she slowly begun to settle back into her position, the very...
  9. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Return of the Not-a-Jedi

    Nighthaunter Scherezade let a chuckle out as she realized she was on Eve again. It slightly dizzied her head to think of how quickly her new home had replaced what she thought had been her former one. Though she still held no official position among the Agents of Chaos, she joined more and more...
  10. P

    Public  Ostara Festival | Agents of Chaos + Open

    SPRING IS H E R E For the second night of relaxation, Discordia organized a festival. The planning was done by a team of attendants as well as through public surveys and, as always, the Agents did not disappoint. The night of celebration was planned carefully for a week before the announcement...
  11. Kyrinov

    Ostara Festival | Agents of Chaos + Open

    Wrong Account
  12. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too | Agents of Chaos + Open

    Even the insurgents needed downtime every now and then. For too long, they had been spreading themselves thin, some would say too thin, across the galaxy, and it was time to call people home. By decree of Discordia, all non-urgent missions had been canceled for the current week, and Eve was set...
  13. Paragon of Destruction

    Faction  The Prowlers: Welcome to the Silencers. | Agents of Chaos

    Location :Mikdash ha'Sheketh. Crypts Objective: The TRIALS: 4 to come as the story unravels. Tags: 11043 A'Runda Adenn Kyramud Al'Taylor Quarnz Anesia Jy'Vun Angelo Cavataio Anse Baenshaol Aoife Ironborne Arro Peradun Aster Jen'allé Bacu Topol BB-610 Bedrovelse Hevn Brie Bryn Celli Ddu Celestine...
  14. Razelle Breuner

    Approved Lore  The Mynocks

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Scintilla lacks flavor. A bunch of thugs will add some local color to interact with for anyone playing around on the station. Image Credit: BGK-Bengiskhan, Deviantart Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: The City of Eve, The Spheres of Scintilla GENERAL...
  15. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  The Wild Hunt – the Spring of Chaos

    Eve, the capital of the Scintilla, a giant space construct located in the Unknown Regions that served as the home base for the Agents of Chaos, had always held its doors open to any who would visit it. The city, built inside a spherical space station, looked and felt as real as standing on any...
  16. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  When You Tend a Rose, a Thistle Cannot Grow

    Xenro The skies of Eve were colored beautiful reds and purples that evening. Scherezade drove her Unicorn Speeder as fast as it would go, diving straight out of the city center proper and out towards where the forests and lakes were. Though she had more or less lived in one of Golbah City's...
  17. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Office Replacements

    Thorus Arwyn It wasn't her office, per se. Well, it be truthful, it wasn't her office at all. But with her sister, the Head of the Hunt, now held by Coalition forces until further developments, Scherezade found herself spending more time her, with both Baal and Duckie deWinter. While worry...
  18. Paragon of Virtue

    Faction  Have Yourself a Merry Little Sithmas | Agents of Chaos

    This originally began as a chat-rp to keep things going during the board down days. All Agents of Chaos are welcome to jump in and continue at their leisure. Happy holidays everyone! The city of Eve was decked in white snow which fell in giant lazy flecks over the people who ventured outside...
  19. Alwine Daye

    Private  Visit by the Lake

    [member="Djonas Vile"] Standing at the far end of the lake, Alwine clasped her hands behind her back and waited. It had been some months now since she'd abandoned her apartment on Golbah City and left the Confederacy. Not once had she looked back. Too many things had happened before and during...
  20. Madalena Antares

    Call of the Hunt

    The Tower, Eve, The Scintilla [member="Zel Nar"] Seated within her office at the Tower, Madalena stared at the stack of paperwork that lay in front of her. There were few things she disliked more than paperwork. Had it already been a week since she'd tried to feed it all to the paper ripper...
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