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I'm looking for threads where Braze can experience different cultures firsthand—whether it's through ancient traditions, warrior customs, spiritual rites, or daily life in unique societies. Rather than just reading about these things, I want him to be on the ground, learning through action...
[OOC Information Thread]
[ OOC: This is the in-character thread for the roleplay that happens before the Dantooine Open race. It is open to any character. ]
[ OOC: If you are looking for the race thread, the race will be live on FEBRUARY 1, 2025 , at which time dice rolling will also start. ]...
Length: 100km
Width: 100km
Height: 100km
Docking Bays
Life Support
Traffic Control
The vast majority of the station is taken up with an incredible amount of warehouse space, allowing for the...
Open to: Anyone who won't derail the thread
Before the Vonnuvi was even a dream, there was Pabu: a tropical island on a remote planet of the same name. It first formed as a haven for refugees from the Clone Wars, a purpose it maintained into the following Galactic Civil War. Pabu even...
Tag: Velran Kilran
Location: Imperial Capitol, Lianna
Equipment: In Bio
It has been years since the accident. Several decades have now passed where my life would be forever changed through fire and shrapnel. My crusade against chaos and insurgents began with a blast on the bridge of the ship I...
Intent: To start fleshing out some locations for The Exchange
Image Credit:
Both images: (x)
Canon: N/A
Phkalt Metal and TIE/SK Elite Starfighter: (x)
Black Market
The Exchange
Structure Name: The Obelisks...
We Meet Once Again
It has been quite some time since our last announcement. Rest assured, The Exchange has gone nowhere. Yes, our major allies, the Hutt Space Consortium, have now been abolished, but the Black Sun has rose strongly from its their ashes.
We have experienced some...complications...
Intent: To update and upgrade Sasori's ships and fighters
Image Source: Alita Battle ANgel
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: My Subs
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
Affiliation: Company Name (Sasori) for Gir Quee
Market Status...
Intent: To provide more integration into Darth Sion(NPC) and provide opposition for future Private and Public Threads
Image Credit: Here
Role: Will serve as loyal followers to Darth Sion and provide further story development via Public/Faction/ Private threads...
Rook Heimdal
Sirens blared.
The relative peace and quiet of a supposedly easy task was shattered as something jerked the freighter out of hyperspace and forced it to revert to realspace, lest it tear itself apart. They were nowhere. Dead in the middle of space, somewhere along the Parlemian...
Corva Yag
Meet The Boss
Acquaint Yourself With The Exchange
The pirate sat on the large throne, two of his slaves on either side. A message had been out to a select few people that fit the bill perfectly for The Exchange. He needed new contacts and business partners if this...
Near The Planet Christophsis
Escape The Law
Get Rich
The Blue Pearl rocked to its side as it narrowly avoided blaster fire.
For the most part, the job on Christophsis went well. They got the rare crystals from the vaults, and they were now on their way back to Castilon...
(Ambient Here)
"Taris was once a magnificent planet-wide metropolis of towering skyscrapers. But that was a long time ago." - Carth Onassi, Hero of the Old Republic
In one of the North Apartment complexes in the Taris Upper City, Arax sat on her bunk, her feet both rested comfortably in a...
(Ambient Here)
The muffled rumbling of dozens of voices echoed throughout the halls. Shadowy figure and elegant dress alike moved in between the huge fossil displays that hung from the roof, or held up by plasteel supports for visitors to see. The...
Tired of being pushed around by lazy, slimy overgrown slugs with Rancor fetishes? Then, boy, do we have a faction for you.
Come be a part of a family orientated friendly atmosphere filled with employees of all ethnic backgrounds, reguardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or creed...