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Aris Noble
Location: Coruscant, Training Rooms
It was three in the morning, and though the world of Coruscant never slept, the halls leading to the training rooms were quiet. Passerby would notice that one of the training rooms’ doors had been shut. If she was being honest, Rayia knew that the...
M O R R I G A N | V A L E
My Faith Is Only, Is Forever
Social Information
Known As: Morrigan Vale
Monikers: N/A
Homeworld: Islimore
Faction: The Confederacy
Archetype: Sorceress
Current Locale: To be determined
Species: Felactian / Human
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Marital Status...
Intent: To create a companion that will bounce off Valrayne, juxtaposing her upbeat attitude and providing (hopefully) amusing flavor to RP
Image Credit: Bethesda, the New Moon Senche (edited to look more edgy by me) Enamel Shard Necklace, Spacey background
Role: Primarily a travel mount and...
Social Information
Name: Arristorr Peradun
Alias(es): Arro
Title(s): N/A
Homeworld: Felacat
Current Residence(s): TBD
Former Residence(s): Felacat
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: None
Force Alignment: Neutral/Light
Physical Information...
NAME: Shukalar
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems |
RANK: None
SPECIES: Felacatian
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Golden
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Covered in blonde colored fur
NAME: Mirax Ty Dahl
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Independent Force User
SPECIES: Felacatian
AGE: Young
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 125lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Tanned