Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Maldor Mecetti

    Approved Tech  MHGO-1 Ordinance Ring for Tie Fighters

    MHGO-1 Ordinance Ring OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a modular aftermarket Tie Fighter weapon launcher for economy-minded buyers. Image Source: EC Henry Canon Link: NA Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Obulette Shipyards Affiliation...
  2. Tragic Writer

    Naval Ships

    SMALL CRAFT (1-50 Meters) Fighter: X-9 Draconian Fighter Bomber: Nova-Class Bomber Interceptor: Dracon Interceptor MK III Automated Fighter: D-12 Automated Defense fighter Atmosphere Transport: Atmo-drive craft Gunship/transport: DU-12 Troop Transport CORVETTES (50-200 Meters) Patrol...
  3. Varos Dajaay

    Public  Welcome all Fighters! (Closed ig lol)

    Welcome one and all, to the planet of Corellia! I am here to invite you to my very own... fighting tournament! Anyone is allowed, no one is exluded, we don't care what coalition your aligned with, we're just interested in your fighting ability! The tournament will be held on the 18th of this...
  4. Liram Angellus

    Approved Starship  SF-068 "BIG FURY" Starfury Heavy Assault fighters.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a highly maneuverable "Heavy assault" style starfighter Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs, Gir Quee Primary Source: SF-067 Starfury PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd...
  5. Taji Nelson II

    Nelson Amalgamated - Scorpion Class Fighters

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the first in a line of Organic Spacecraft that are unique to Chaos. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Open-Market Model: Production...
  6. Ura Iolar

    You Can't Take the Skies from Me

    Ura looked over her fighter, the Razor-Tail, and preparing for some flight training. The Lervonian Deathseed had been rebuilt since Hrrath, and upgraded. All the powerplants were now linked, allowing a full range of power control that Deathseeds usually lacked. It was fast and agile, and she was...
  7. Chikako Liona

    Imperial Navy Ship Yard

    -Capital Ship- Pattuglia Class Corvette: A decent all prupose craft developed to hold the space borders around Tythe. Sagitta Class Destroyer:A torpedo corvette desgined to strike fast and hard, but lacks anti-starfighter weapons. Gladio Class Frigate: A standard heavily armored frigate that can...
  8. Jax Vandal

    Operators Wanted

    The Muertos are planning an expansion. We need new operators, enforcers, engineers, soldiers, smugglers, and slicers. There are credits in it for you, and you'll have access to our weapons and droids. If you're looking to come up in the Underworld contact us.
  9. O

    #MakeFightersGreatAgain Make fighters great again! But seriously, when the board first started there was an abundance of fighter designs. It was like everyone and their mother wanted to be either a Jedi/Sith or...a pilot and the race was on to build ships...
  10. Iona Immarya

    I've Got A Bad Feeling About This...

    Iona fought down the fresh wave of nausea that threatened to come up when a fighter zipped by the window a little too close for comfort. The fighter brought up an unpleasant reminder of where exactly she was. Inside of a diplomatic vessel, in the middle of a region noted for attacks against the...
  11. Subject 37

    Looking Beneath the Covers[TGE/GA]

    Space Near Enarc Valerie sat quietly within the cockpit of her TIE Hunter, exposed wiring to her left and a dead console to her right. A scowl was painted on her otherwise pretty face, features only half hidden by a helmet that was decidedly stylized not after the famed Venom Guard's usual...
  12. HK-36

    Lore: Mechanical Drakes

    Based on the old Mandalorian designs of Basilisk War Droids, Mechanical Drakes have became the standard aircraft and starfighter unit of Mechanus. Their appearance often varies based on what sort of role they are supposed to fulfill, from long light serpentine bodies, to large and heavy walking...
  13. Progflaw99

    Rogue Squadron Poll - Rogues Only

    Poll for Rogue Squadron Only Please. If you're not, feel free to leave comments, but I'll just be tallying Rogue Squadron votes. Thanks for looking either way! Please leave your comments below, will tally after a bit. 1. X Wing - Looks Heavier, more virtualized HUD & more pilot protection...
  14. Darth Banshee

    Approved Starship  I.M.D. Hawk MkI

    Image Source: Affiliation: Open Market Manufacturer: Independent Military Developers Model: I.M.D. Hawk MkI Modularity: None Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel hull...
  15. Ayden Cater

    Squadron Counts

    Some of the larger ship types (Dedicated Carriers and Flagships mostly) seem to have fewer squadrons than a ship from the old 2.0 system. This seems mostly a product of the increased size ships can be. A Support Light Star Destroyer could have 120 starfighters, or 10 squadrons. A 3,000 meter...
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