Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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first order stormtroopers

  1. Second Sith Empire

    Second Sith Empire

    "The only way for you to learn from your mistakes, is to feed from them." -Darth Laesis
  2. R

    Major Faction First Order Stormtroopers | First to Fight

  3. R

    First Order Stormtrooper Corps

  4. R

    First Order Stormtrooper Corps

    [Ad created by Natasi Fortan ] [FACTION PAGE - DISCORD]
  5. Hansen

    Approved Tech  T-8B Self-Loading Precision Carbine

    T-8B Precision Carbine w/ factory paint & attachments, Stock collapsed Source: Killzone: Shadow Fall (x) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a weapon with greater range than the G-11F Blaster Rifle which can also double as a designated marksman rifle where appropriate at the cost of...
  6. Hansen

    Approved NPC  FN Corps, 1st Infantry Regiment, 2/17th Battalion, Alpha Company "Ironguard"

    "Sons of Dosuun! Swords of the Empire! Upon the Filth!" -Ironguard Warcry Image Source: Name: FN Corps, 1st Infantry Regiment, 2/17th Battalion, Alpha Company "Ironguard". Intent: To bring Joan's company and its members to life, make them more than...
  7. Hansen

    Approved NPC  FN Corps, 1st Inf Reg, 2/17th Battalion, Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon "Iron Hounds"

    "I don't wanna be no Knight of Ren!" "I just wanna get down crack some heads! I wanna see our treads drenched again! Oh you know we're gonna be your end!" -The Iron Hounds Name: FN Corps, 1st Infantry Regiment, 2/17th Battalion, Alpha Company, 3rd Platoon "Iron Hounds." Intent: To augment...
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