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Making a home outside of the influence of any sith or Jedi, Jairdain had settled on Iridonia. While she knew a couple of zabraks that called this home, they were rarely here. Both were sith. Nor did they know she was here either. One may, but she doubted he would ever go out of his way to visit...
Ra had changed since last seeing her old friend Flinx. However word had reached her that whatever issues he had the last time had been repaired. His lost connection to the Force and abilities had been mended. She didn't have the ability to heal him, but another of her friend's did.
Adron had...
Castle Bast had become Ra's home and she had finally gotten it to a stage where she found she could live there comfortably. All of her staff were former slaves she had released, but had chosen to stay with her. Everything was provided for them and they kept the castle up.
She had cooks...
Once Ra was positive that moving Flinx wasn't going to cause him any harm, she arranged for his ship to be kept and had him brought onto her own ship. He needed to recover from the injeries he received on Ossus when he fell into a chasm and then climbed out of himself. At the time it happened...
Deciding to join up with Flinx, at least for a time, Ra and he travel to Ossus to seak out adventure, treasure and knowlege together. On two seperate ships, they land planetside together.
Having grown up on Coruscant and spent all of her childhood there, Ra was still always shocked at how green...
The Kadok Regions
Dust rolled over the valley, carried by the wind, rustling through the scrub and brush. As Antherion put one foot in front of the other, slow, strained by the pain of supporting his own weight, he reflected on how the harsh environment was an alchemy all its own. Bend...