Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  The Betrayer's Focus

    Intent: To create a lightsaber crystal for Darth Imperius. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Synthetic Lightsaber Crytal Manufacturer: Darth Malgus [claimed] Affiliation: Darth Imperius Market Status: Closed-Market Model: The Betrayer's Focus Modularity: No...
  2. The Lord of Hunger

    LFG  Midichlorian kids

    I'm looking for a handful of Darkside acolytes, shady mercenaries or organizations that have no qualms with abducting and transporting force sensitive children to an undisclosed location. Also looking for at the very least a handful of Jedi to figure out about these abductions and attempt to...
  3. Noelle Varanin

    LFG  Market Day-- Poll

    Heya, Time for our annual baazar! Last year we did one focused on oddities. What type of goods would you like to see vendors have on offer this year? Think about gizmos and gadgets that you'd like to include in your thread. I personally love random trinkets that do unexpected things to spice up...
  4. Niki Priddy

    Approved Tech  Concealed Focus Broach

    Intent: Create a focus/sword for a client. Image Source: Source Canon Link: Ichor Sword Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: Niki Priddy, Terminus Rêve, Priddy General Engineering And Manufacturing Affiliation: Ami Dracov Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Sword Ichor...
  5. Annasari

    Suggestion  Shift Dominions to a Narrative Focus

    Intent: To find a way to make dominions less “grindy”. Dominions, I think, are viewed by most as a necessary evil. They can be so boring, long-winded, but we post to them to get another hex added to our blob on the map. In my opinion, most major factions have moved away from story and to...
  6. Darth Ledgermayne

    Approved Tech  The Jin' Kisasiyina

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a personalized Focus for Ledgermayne that doubles as a weapon Image Source: Link Here Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ledgermayne Affiliation: Ledgermayne Model: N/A Modularity: No Production: Unique...
  7. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Tech  VT-Focus Array

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To counter all of these powerful one shot weapons popping up Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Me, I'm great. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies Model: VT-Focus Array Affiliation: Open-Market...
  8. Garza

    Approved Tech  Runi'b Na'nr - Soul's Edge

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a replacement Lightsaber Image Source: Xesh's Forcesaber Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: Acquiring Ghostfire Crystal and Lightsaber housing, Posts: #42, #58, #60, #65, Primary Source: Me. I am just that good. PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
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