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Kuat has come under attack, but those responsible--as hidden as they remain--would paint the Coalition itself as their enemy.
In Kuat City's entertainment district, several bombings and attacks had occurred. The assailants turn out to be mercenaries, low lives, and various anarchist groups all...
Free Worlds Coalition
In the heart of the galaxy; Alderaan, Kuat, Humbarine, and Balmorra are free from occupation. With the fall of the One Sith and Galactic Republic, these beaten worlds are rebuilding. To defend their newfound independence they form the Free Worlds Coalition.
Intent on...
Evening settled over Kuat City, the bustling nightlife of the entertainment district becoming more apparent...
Hadleigh leans over the balcony of her home, the sound of the city filling her ears as ambiance. "My Lady, it is time." One of her aides stepped forth to remind her of more pressing...
Kuat's busy starports are notorious for their traffic. Hence the common Kuati saying: "Late is the new early."
For Hadleigh she was afforded the luxury of proving this false, her standings as one of the Ten and head of Kuat Drive Yards allowed her unobstructed travel and a personal hangar...
Location - Purkis Estate, Kuat City, Kuat
Now that Hadleigh Purkis had brought Kuat into the Free Worlds Coalition, everything changed.
Simply put; she is a small woman amongst countless entities, and if just one threatens her she will need to defend herself. Hadleigh never was a soldier, she...
Hadleigh arrived on the jungle world of Borleias, the humid climate being unfamiliar to one raised on the more idyllic world named Kuat.
"Is this it?" She asked a local resident of the settlement. "Yes, right in there." The older male responds.
The woman marched into the entrance of a rather...
Name: "Lady" Hadleigh Purkis
Title: Matriarch of House Purkis
Faction: Free Worlds Coalition
Rank: Kuati Noblewoman
Homeworld: Kuat
Residence: Purkis Estate, Kuat City, Kuat
Occupation: Shipwright & Noblewoman
Affiliations: Kuat Drive Yards
Friends: None
Rivals: None...
A fist slams down on metal. "Damn them all!" An angry voice shouts.
A Nikto, a Rodian, and a Feeorin all sit around a rusted table in a pazaak den. A blank display emits a quiet buzzing before flashing to life. On it rests the symbol of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, and shortly afterwards a...