Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tarjik Khen

    Character  Tarjik Khen

    TARJIK KHEN Age 35 GSY Homeworld Ringo Vinda Species Imzig Gender Male Height 1.83 Meters Weight 75 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Jeff Leach as Ghost INVENTORY Equipment A set of modified Model 210 personal armor A rebreather jetpack A KA-47M blaster rifle A PbBP-01 particle...
  2. Spek Zhio

    Private  Charter Through the Uncharted

    ~~ PRELUDE ~~ -- Theme -- -- En reute to Yavin's Lode Star Utopia "So, there's this uncharted planet called Iliabath, that sits outside the rim of the Stygian Caldera," blinking lights across the flight console had him stop mid-sentence. "How do I know of its existence if it's uncharted...
  3. Ty Zashal

    Ty Zashal

    Ty Zashal |> NAME: Ty Zashal |> FACTION: N/A |> RANK: Freelancer, smuggler, mercenary, and all-around for hire. |> SPECIES: Human |> HOMEWORLD: Copperline |> AGE: 60s |> SEX: Male |> HEIGHT: 6'1"/1.85m |> WEIGHT: 186 lbs |> EYES: Blue |> HAIR: Grey |> SKIN: White |> FORCE...
  4. H3xle

    Bran Alder

    FREELANCE PILOT PROFILE [hr] NAME: Bran Alder FACTION: Freelancer RANK: Pilot CALLSIGN: Tuskcat BIOLOGICAL DATA SPECIES: Human (Corellian) AGE: 27 GSY SEX: Male HEIGHT: 183cm BUILD: Athletic HAIR: Light Brown EYES: Blue FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes BIOGRAPHICAL DATA ATTRIBUTES: + Ace Pilot: Born and...
  5. Allan

    Running Amok! Somewhere, in a bar!

    The Standard Hooting and Hollering in the Cantina seemed to only be drowned out by the Wind Outside. As the sharp grating Tatooinian gusts battered at the walls of the watering hole, somebody battered at somebody else in a fighting ring centered in the building. Fortunes were won, lost, and...
  6. Lynnori Cruz

    Lynnori Cruz

    Man lives like a robot; mechanically, efficient, but with no awareness. GENERAL INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________ Name: Lynnori Cruz Alias(es): Lyn, Racer Z (Formerly), L-001 Rank: 'Best Thing You'll Ever Meet' Age: 23 GSY Homeworld: Zeltros...
  7. Rikard Tetalar

    Rikard Tetalar

    Name: Rikard Josiah Tetalar Alias: Kradow Capitona Race: Human Age: 31 Sex: Male Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral Occupation: Freelancer Purpose: Exploration Sexuality: Heterosexual Force-Sensitive: Unknown Height: 6'1" Weight: 205lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Skin: Caucasian...
  8. Ava Taylor

    Ava Taylor

    Ava Taylor NAME: Ava Taylor FACTION: Vagrant Fleet RANK: Freelancer SPECIES: Human AGE: 29 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 169 cm WEIGHT: 59 kg EYES: Dark brown HAIR: Currently burgundy red, but very subject to change. SKIN: Pale, prone to tanning and freckles when exposed to...
  9. Thalira Kiing

    Freelancers Guild

    Are you a freelancer? Do you offer your services to others for money? Well then, whatever those services are, the Freelancers Guild might just be for you. The Freelancers Guild offers a place in the group to anyone who does not wish to stay in one job for the rest of their miserable life. So...
  10. T


  11. Dymiri Sunfell

    Dymiri Sunfell

  12. Cira

    Omega Pyre Freelancer Program

    O M E G A P Y R E F R E E L A N C E R P R O G R A M Let's say you like to earn a couple of extra credits but want to do it the legal way. Quick and easy, no run around, but a straight no hassle contract job either as a fugitive recovery specialist (bounty hunter), fleeter, or any...
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