Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Leshanna

    Private  Wanna Be My Friend? [Haro Aven]

    Tag: Haro Aven Takes Place Shortly After the Trial of Ozzuk-Thren Lesh was still somewhat sore from the events that had taken place at the Trials, but it was the kind of sore she could live with. It was a reminder of what she had survived, the fact that she had come back to the Academy...
  2. Biala Prahl

    LFG  Frienmies wanted for a fist fight!

    While running with the Neo Crusaders, Clan Prahl some how paid the least and walked away with a governorship. Writing Biala Prahl, a young gun as most Mandalorians tend to be at that age...I'm looking for some future RP partners surrounding good ole Velmor, but I am happy to play on anyones side...
  3. Iko Vel

    Private  A Friend Courtship?...A Friendship?

    Iko looked around the streets of Ukatis, as he shoved his hands into his pockets and whistled a small little tune to fill the silence. Well, there wasn't much actual silence. It was more, Iko didn't like being quiet but at the same time, he felt like his constant talking would annoy Persephone...
  4. Vinya Shikoa

    Private  To Friendship or Foeship

    Location: Argul; D'Aelgoth sector; Mid Rim Smoke still hovered over the fields, drifting across the areas that had been razed by the various blaster fire and ordinance that had deafened the area until only moments ago. Vinya could still hear the ringing of the final explosions, near enough to...
  5. N

    Private  Bubbles of Friendship

    CORUSCANT Room of a Thousand Fountains Tags: Rahla Tis A steady hum echoed as water cascaded down fountains, flowed through makeshift bridges, fed plant beds, and rushed into small bubbling pools. Nilah's head-tendrils danced to the soothing soundscape. The magenta appendages floated above...
  6. Kat Decoria

    Private  An After Class in Friendship

    Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple Outfit: Casual Tags: Talon Barova The day had been busy with Kat attempting to offer classes in healing, beginning lessons, some that were more advanced and offering to find employment at medical facilities to provide more practical training for some students...
  7. Grendel Krayt

    Private  Budding Friendship

    Kat Decoria Somewhere on Coruscant on one of its many levels Grendel trod on in search of food and drink, he'd had a good week hunting down low-level bounties while the pay for one wasn't good turning in a large group at once paid quite well and so Grendel had hunted and gotten paid. Deciding...
  8. Kat Decoria

    Private  Friendship and Drink

    Location: Coruscant - Lower Levels Cantina Appearance: Outfit Tag: Tiric Sar'andor Kat had been travelling around, it had been a couple months since her binge vacation on Zeltron. News of the growing war with the Brotherhood of the Maw, with a large climatic battle on Tython had been going on...
  9. Minerva Fhirdiad

    LFG  Mentor and friends/comrades wanted

    Hey gang. For this occasion I’m in search for a new mentor for my Mando. Basically a fellow Mando who can help her understand their shared culture whether it be on a mission for the Enclave or just hanging out somewhere or doing some kind of training. On a slightly different note I’m also...
  10. Kahne Porte

    Festival in Space(TJO)

    Deneba-1600 "It's getting pretty chilly out there tonight." "Just put your jacket on, don't be such a worry wort." The Jedi Master tossed a cloak over him as he glanced towards the door, listening to the talk that was going on past his door as Jedi and such passed through. Kahne had...
  11. Siriwook

    Your friend Uri Aurelos needs your support

    Sorry. I meant Uri Aureleos. Hi. So, I have been reading some of the higher-quality character threads on the boards and noticed something about Uri Aureleos. He's not been here in a while and he hasn't posted anything since posting that he was depressed. So, looking at his friends, I see...
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