Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Vemric Keldra

    Faction  Frontier Liberation: The Show Must Go On || The Confederacy

    FRONTIER LIBERATION: A DIFFERENT THREAT The Galaxy was in turmoil. Refugees stream from the Core and Inner Rim as the Empire still blights their worlds and as the Mandalorians continue to raid indiscriminately, sparing very little, if anything at all. Violent riots erupt in the jeweled heart...
  2. Vemric Keldra

    Faction  Frontier Liberation: The Ultimatum || The Confederacy

    FRONTIER LIBERATION: THE ULTIMATUM THEME The gala had ended in utter disaster when a failed assassination attempt resulted in a series of explosions that left numerous Confederate delegates and planetary representatives either killed or injured. Most troublesome of these casualties were the...
  3. Vemric Keldra

    Faction  Frontier Liberation: The Assassination || The Confederacy

    FRONTIER LIBERATION: THE ASSASSINATION With the successful expansion of the Confederacy's borders, as well as the curbing of a potential threat, it is time for the various politicians to mingle on a more personal level outside the parliamentary chambers. On a Universe-class Halfway Station...
  4. Vemric Keldra

    Faction  Frontier Liberation: Salt the Earth || The Confederacy

    FRONTIER LIBERATION: THE FLEDGLING STATE Civilisation had been stripped from the Outer Rim, now it is time to give it back to the desolate souls. The Confederacy, while still a very new power in the region, already scrambles to bring peace and order to the galaxy. But drastic changes like...
  5. Credit Wizard

    Approved Vehicle  LX4 Anti-Personnel Droid Cannon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a cheap but effective anti-personnel vehicle Image Source: Draco-Class Artillery Droid Canon Link: Not Canon Permissions: No Permission Primary Source: No Primary Source PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Loymière Shipwright...
  6. Aeshi Tillian

    Rampant Frontier, Populations, and Dominions Discussion & Brainstorming

    What does this mean? -We can do one normal Dominion thread per month for a hex. Easily use that to work on faction storylines and such without overwhelming people with too many faction threads. -We can also use four "quality" Codex Location submissions to gain one hex. To my understanding...
  7. E

    Dominion  Frontier War: Shipyard Saboteurs | The Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Trendivar

    F R O N T I E R W A R Rothana. For some, a winter wonderland; for others an opportunity for industry unrivalled by neighbouring systems. In recent times, the snow swept planet had fallen under the protective, iron cloak of the Enclave, the shipyards put to work by the Aruetii Government to...
  8. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Location  Coronet Frontier

    fa-play fa-pause OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a mini-update on the state of Corellia's primary continent Image Credit: David Heidhoff Video used in pause/play Canon: Yes [HERE] Permissions: N/A Links: Corellia [Legends] Corellia [Canon] Brokellia [Chaos Canon] Coronet...
  9. Valik

    Approved Tech  Pot of the Frontier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Provide a flavorful tool for Frontiersbeings Image Source: LINK Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Cord's Snake Oil and Sundries Affiliation: Cord and Cord's Customers Market Status: Closed-Market...
  10. Cord###

    Ready For Judge  Pot of the Frontier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Provide a flavorful tool for Frontiersbeings Image Source: LINK Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Cord's Snake Oil and Sundries Affiliation: Cord and Cord's Customers Market Status: Closed-Market...
  11. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Piracy on the frontier | AC + Pirates | Tiss'Sharl

    PIRACY ON THE FRONTIER Ashlan Crusade dominion of Tiss'Sharl open to Kraken Coalition Pirates (other interested parties PM) Once again the Ashlan crusade is on the move, reaching deeper into ex-sith empire space. But as they approach the galactic hyperlanes some of the less civilised systems...
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