Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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fun things

  1. Cerys Dyn

    LFG  Jedi nun in mourning seeks interactions that will complicate her life and give her writer some fun things to do.

    The Jakku Enclave has not worked out. So Cerys is moving on to finish her training as a Jedi the bokken way. She will be roaming the galaxy and trying to understand her Oaths and how to actually live out what he late master taught her. If you want to write with me, I would love it. Only fun...
  2. Raphael Gallustrade

    Approved Melee Weapon  Fountain Blade

    SPECIAL FEATURES N/A STRENGTHS As a lightsaber, this weapon is capable of cutting through most materials Due to being powered by the Celestine crystal, the blade itself is amplified, burning even hotter than a normal lightsaber WEAKNESSES This lightsaber will short out, if it strikes...
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