Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Z

    Private  The Gambler, The Rambler, and a Dive Bar

    "] fa-play fa-pause Location: Coruscant Bar Equipment: Casual Clothing Tags: Alexander Hayes Meeting with Aiden had been more than eye opening. Learning the true fate of their squad after the ambush hadn't settled any of the feelings he had. Maybe had made them worse. His effort to...
  2. N

    Character  Nalah Tezan

    NAME: Nalah Tezan FACTION: The Family RANK: Associate SPECIES: Zygerrian AGE: 28 SEX: Cis Female HEIGHT: 1.7 m WEIGHT: 70 kg EYES: Ice Blue HAIR: Black FUR: Grey-Blue FORCE SENSITIVITY: N/A APPEARANCE: Nalah is a Zygerrian woman of fairly average height but remarkable beauty, owing to her...
  3. Jack Australis

    Jack Australis

    NAME Jack Australis FACTION: Mandalorian Empire RANK: No rank SPECIES: Human AGE: 27 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 180cm WEIGHT: 80 kgs EYES: Hazel brown HAIR: Dark brown, slicked back, short back and sides SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Unaware) Abilities : Very basic Force sense Very...
  4. Nor'baal

    Wayde Korad

    Count Wayde Drax-Star Korad Born Coruscant Occupation Business Executive Years Active 23 Years Employer Astral Enterprises Title Founder and CEO Spouse(s) Ameli Drax-Starr (nee: Raxi) Wayde Drax-Star Korad is a Coruscanti Business Executive, who is the current CEO & Founder of the...
  5. I

    Another Pilot

    Thought to drop a note, Ishana's usually on the run but if she's ever around this sector of the Galaxy - feel free to invite her to shindigs, she's great for diversions and knows her way around a starfighter or two. Just don't ask her if she owes anyone money, chances are that she does.
  6. I

    Ishana Pavanos

    Ishana Yasmirah Pavanos NAME: Ishana Yasmirah Pavanos PRONUNCIATION: Ih-SH-Aw-Na Y-as-MEE-Rah Pah-Vah-N-Os NICKNAME(S): Shana, Sean, Yismiri CALLSIGN(S): Songbird, Shriek-Hawk FACTION: N/A RANK: Smuggler BOSS: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: 34 SEX: Cis-Female RACE: Balmorran HEIGHT: 5'3" / 1.52 m...
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