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Intent: To construct lightsaber for Jedi Gianna Aegis
Image Source: Shadowcrest Design | Image found on Saber Sourcing
Canon Link: N/a
Permissions: N/a
Primary Source:
Manufacturer: John Locke
Affiliation: Gianna Aegis
Model: Sol and Astra
Modularity: No
Production: Unique...
Location: Spritegate Shore - Naboo
Objective: Find peace of mind
Meeting: [member="Gianna Aegis"]
It was unusual, John wasn’t entirely sure when it had happened, but somewhere along the line Naboo had become home. He’d grown up on Corellia, in the slums of Coronet City, and for most of his...
Intent: To create a protective set of robes for Gianna Aegis
Image Source: Zcool
Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:
Force Deflection
Protection Bubble
Refined Pyronium
Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name...
Intent: To sub a set of robes for Gianna Aegis
Image Source: China Cart
Canon Link: No
Primary Source:
Mind Trick
Alter Image
Comprehend Speech
Force Elightenment
Detoxify Poison
Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name: Gianna Aegis
Model: Astrea...
Intent: To sub an artifact for Gianna Aegis
Image Source: Etsy
Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:
Force Speed
Force Valor
Force Imbument
Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name: Gianna Aegis
Model: Heaven's Dance
Modularity: No
Production: Unique...
Intent: To sub an artifact for Gianna Aegis
Image Source: Etsy
Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:
Force Barrier
Force Imbument
Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name: Gianna Aegis
Model: Heaven's Embrace
Modularity: No
Production: Unique...
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
~Friedrich Nietzsche
Naboo, it was a shining jewel in the galaxy, an almost pristine untarnished marble...
Intent: To submit a healing pendant
Image Source: Etsy
Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:
Mantle of the Force
Kaiburr Crystal
Solari Crystal
Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name: Gianna Aegis
Model: Heart of Aceso
Modularity: Chain can be changed...
Intent: To submit a pair of force imbued accessories for Gianna Aegis
Image Source: Spreesy
Canon Link: N/a
Primary Source:
Meditation Crystal
Nihil Smokestone
Manufacturer: John Locke - Locke and Key Mechanics
Affiliation: Individual Character Name: Gianna Aegis...
In Nocte Consilium
"Tomorrow is a new day."
Location: Gianna's Homestead on Naboo
Tag: [member="Cassius Droma"]
Setting: It is the middle of nowhere, deep in the countryside, with long winding paths and an overgrowth of greenery. It will become clear that the rather expansive location...