Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alana Calloway

    Private  The Girl With The Cartel Tattoos

    . The Girl With The Cartel Tattoos Location: Unknown Tag: Serina Calis Gear: N/A Sable jolted upright with a sharp inhale, heart hammering against her ribs. The weight of the nightmare still clung to her like smoke—thick, suffocating, impossible to shake. Her breath came shallow and fast, her...
  2. Kaleleon

    Private  'Cause Every Girl Crazy 'bout a Sharp Dressed Man

    ~~ Sharp Dressed Man ~~ So I was told to come here. Standing closer to the front of the line, a hand nervously brushing through my hair like I hadn't done the same action almost a hundred times before. Too many people kept telling me that I needed to get out. I needed to find something to do...
  3. Sorr Kortu

    Private  The Smuggler, the Flower Girl, and the Mask.

    Location: Nal Hutta Smuggler Outfit When Sorr found out that Nal Hutta meant Glorious Jewel in Huttese, his lungs nearly fell off from his rib cage from laughing so hard. Either the Hutts have a great understanding of Irony or they truly believe that this wasteland was truly beautiful...
  4. Astri Elyse

    Private  Little Girl, Big World

    Tag: Zaiya Ceti Day one with the Jedi Order, and Astri Elyse was already lost. Oh what was she thinking, letting Dad ship her off to Coruscant? It had seemed exciting at the time! But now that she was here, everything was so overwhelming! The Temple was huge, and she was just trying to find...
  5. Syala

    Private  Sith Girl Night Out

    Ord Mantel. Syala hadn't been to the planet before, but she thought it would be a nice place to take Lucina Centaris. The Half-Nagai hadn't gotten to know their fellow Sith apprentice too well, but considering she was one of the only female Sith that wasn't..."crazy", it wasn't like she had a...
  6. Shego Striga

    LFG  Mean Girl, Mad Genius | Looking For Crime & Fortune

    BEAUTIFUL MIND BURDENED BY BRILLIANCE A gifted and prodigious young mind fractured into madness Shego Striga is a burdened young lady with a vendetta against authority and a rebel with a cause. Since her disappearance from the Galactic Alliance after the events of the destabilization and...
  7. U

    LFG  All Work and No Play Makes Holly a Dull Girl

    As I consider new characters I realized I could be doing more with my existing characters as well. I would like to develop Holly more. The essential problem with this character is that she is an HNN reporter and what inevitably ends up happening is I get tons of interview requests and then I...
  8. M

    Public  Totally Legit Girl

    A fake ID was expensive. Really expensive. Luckily, Molly knew a guy who knew a guy... who just happened to know this slimy Rodian, but she didn't have to deal with him. Just handed over the credits and that was that. Seemed like a really good deal, until she got it. Turned out, she...
  9. Kardek Alpha

    Private  Eat this...

    Location: Lithorian Syndicate Slaver Facility on Ulmatra (Hutt Space) Target: Fioria Lithior (Crime Boss of the Lithorian Syndicate) Tags: Valery Noble Fioria Lithior Slaver Facility The facility was highly secure, with advanced security protocols and armed Syndicate guards...
  10. Ijam'cahi

    First Reply  Small Town Girl

    "And.. There. That's your problem. You been usin' this to mow down small trees or somthin' Earl?" It was just another typical day for a typical small town. The handful of folks not busy on the fields wandered through town to sell their hauls or catch up with old friends. Stop by the local...
  11. Crysis

    Private  The Most Annoying Girl

    Crysis walked through the Temple, minding her own business for the most part. Only stopping to observe whatever inside the temple she found interesting enough to observe before moving on. Kathal had no need for her today, so she found herself free to explore, and perhaps run into someone new. A...
  12. Bella Drayson

    Private  Glitter & Gold [Denon]

    Location: Denon [Library/Archive] Tag: Shai Arvelis "I want you to investigate, immediately. My suits are disappearing and I need to know who, where, when, and why. Surveillance only.", she breathed into the encrypted holo-comm without glancing away from the city-scape that sped by from the...
  13. Gwyneira Vizsla

    LFG  An angery girl looking for purpose

    Hello there, GENERAL KENOBI! I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in RP with my character. She's a refugee from some random world war torn from the Sith and Jedi. She hates both sides because of this. She is a genius, engineer and emotional artist. She is Force Sensitive and trying to...
  14. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Rich mans daughter

    So... throwing this out for an interest check! I'm thinking of creating a new character, and it is going to be a sort of a rich mans/womans daughter or something more upper class, be it an Imperial admiral, an Alliance polititian or a civilian celebrity or businessman/woman of some sort, or...
  15. L'yoom Ka

    Livi Athina, Hermit of Taskana

    Whoops, someone delete this please ;-; (I don't know how...)
  16. L'yoom Ka

    Livi Athina, Hermit of Taskana

    Livi Athina, Hermit Of Taskana NAME: Livi Athina FACTION: The Older Of The Silver Jedi RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: 14 SEX: F HEIGHT: 6’2” WEIGHT: 160 lbs EYES: Pink HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  17. Matsu Ike


    Image Credits: Star Trek Orion Name: [Name of the species] Designation: [Sentient, semi, or non-sentient] Homeworld: [Name of homeworld, and link to the thread for the homeworld if custom] Language: [List common languages of this species] Average Lifespan: [In standard years] Estimated...
  18. Alara Slayn

    Alara Slayn

    Ambitious. Passionate. Curious. Hungry. Unrelenting. ALARA SLAYN "To relive those simple pleasures again would be worth... anything." BIO: It would be difficult to completely express in a single journal entry the enigma that is Alara Slayn, nor would it do justice to her story to...
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