Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A

    Private  Ode to the gods

    Anakin / Aiden had searched and searched for the planet Mortis. The world where Anakin, Ahsoka, and Kenobi had met the Mortis gods. He followed Force crumbs, echoes so old few might have known them. The Jedi.. was he a Jedi? The Councuk had seen fir to knight him, and yet he wielded the powers...
  2. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Location  Graveyard of Fallen Gods

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a location for future RP. Image Credit: Alex Nice Cliché Magazine Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Starship Graveyard SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Graveyard of Fallen Gods Classification: Starship Graveyard Location: Southern Amithosí...
  3. Forrest Dinn

    Faction  Fall of the Gods (Pantheon of Zaathru)

    Forrest sat with the twins, anger spinning as he played off the events of the meeting regarding the outcome of the false God. When he was born he had thought his father the picture of power and leadership, but in the short time he had been breathing, it had been proven his mother, paranoia and...
  4. Ishani Dinn

    Faction  Gods and Monsters (Pantheon of Zaathru)

    Sky Temple, Zaathru Normally Rhi would gather everyone together in the throne room, but in this case she felt they needed a more open space. So she requested that the Pantheon meet in the Sky Temple’s gardens. Rhi stood near a bush with white flowers, baby on her hip as she waited for the...
  5. Pantheon of Zaathru

    Pantheon of Zaathru

    Zaathru is a strange world full of danger. Ancient weapons built to defend the planet will shoot down any ship that wanders too close. If the vessel isn't destroyed, it goes hurtling toward the surface; those that survive the crash may find themselves killed or enslaved by the hostile natives...
  6. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  In Divine Domains

    It had been a most unexpected find, and truth be told he could not take credit for it. Rhiannon Dinn had been the one to excitedly lead him through the cavernous underpasses hewn out over time by flowing water, and revealed to him the hidden grotto within. Light pooled in from up above...
  7. Darth Moskvin

    Private  Haunting the Undead Gods

    Call M3 Lttle Sun5h1ne -by Ghost- Location: Demonsgate Objective: Obtain the Crytal Shards Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt Familiar: Archimedes Tags: Adeline Noctua / Malum of House Marr / Alina Tremiru Demonsgate was a...
  8. Ishani Dinn

    Work In Progress  Rhiannon's Workshop

  9. F

    Private  Of Gods and Legends

    S T E W J O N Every forest had a different sort of feel to them, Freya long ago realized, bent to the whims of whatever Gods kept them. These ones liked their woods old, dark, and primal. While Bellassa’s forests were covered in carpets of emerald greens and verdant canopies that hung...
  10. Garza

    The Aesirs - Pantheon of the Morossi

    The Pantheon of Aesirs Written into the binded pages of the Book of Moross, Are stories, myths, and parables of many notable people. However, the most important names are those of the Aesirs. The Ten Divine beings who are the pillars of the Great Hall. Aesirs vary in many aspects. Some are...
  11. Tathra Khaeus

    Gods of the Ancient Eye

    KHAEMT - GOD OF PERFECTUM God of Conquest, Expansion, Betterment LEGEND: Legend tells that Khaemt was a warrior, so powerful and mighty that he became a Warrior God in the mortal plain, conquering all of the Galaxy. Khaemt conquered all the known planets from the edges of Wild Space to the Core...
  12. Darth Abyss

    Disguised as Gods (PM to join)

    Nar Shaddaa, Secret Underground Bunker Abyss had taken place on a chair, his eyes focused on the large holographic map of the know galaxy that filled the command center of his bunker. On a table in front of him rested a myriad of opened book, datapads and notes about the Graug, a species of...
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