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The planet of Boz Pity was one great Graveyard. There sentients of all sorts brought their deceased to bury.
Most striking of all was the giant skulls of the Gargantelles that coukd be found about the planet. Many locals turned the akulls into homes, using the great eye sockets as windows, and...
Intent: To codify a location for future RP.
Image Credit:
Alex Nice
Cliché Magazine
Canon: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: Starship Graveyard
Landmark Name: Graveyard of Fallen Gods
Classification: Starship Graveyard
Location: Southern Amithosí...
"I am looking to get a ride off of Graveyard. It won't be easy, but it is important. They are on the move and need to be stopped. The vulnerable need to be warned."
'Tis the season for..... Well, you know! Been cooking something up for months, gathering bits and pieces to set the scene and some of the characters.
Now it's your turn to come and test your survival skills here. Are you the type to go it alone? Or would you team up with the locals that know a...
It was a planet unlike any other. A Dark Force Nexus, surrounded by an asteroid field that was part rock and part space debris from ships that never made it out. Most never made it out. More evidence lay in scattered ruins across the planet's surface. That was what gave Graveyard...
Intent: To create a spherical space station that will serve as the center for refugees on the Scintilla.
Image Source: X | X
Phalanx Testudo permission given over Discord [screenshot].
Permissions to use Lucerne Labs products requested here, permission granted here.
Canon Link...
Arrived in: Corrupted Flesh (X-70B Phantom Class Yacht)
Wearing: Resistance Epidermis
Armed with: Skin Shears (Purple Double Bladed Lightsaber)
First Degree Burn (High Capacity Laser Pistol)
Second Degree Burn (Sniping Laser)
The Amalgam stared at the world of Commenor as she arrived in...
Region: Mid Rim
Sector: Tyus Sector
System: Zelos System
Planet: Zelos II
Location: Unkempt Graveyard
Day|Night: Dusk
Weather|Temperature: Clear Skies|0°C - 32°F
Season: Winter
Music: Theme
Legacies mattered, at least that's what the Kovani line had been taught. Whether the last...
Name: Dar'Manda
Image Source: Neoseeker/ Here / Couldn't find Artist
Classification: Urban Center
Planet: Graveyard
Affiliation: Thraxis is the Singular head who rules the City. Though it is common for close faction to Thraxis to come and go from the City as they see fit.
Population: 1...
(Graveyard from Space Source: Glenn Clovis)
Name: Graveyard
Dev Threads: Graveyard; Exploring a Graveyard
Region: Unknown Region
System: Purgatory's Gate
Suns: 1 Red Giant known as Anathema ; 1 Blue dwarf known as Hope in concentric orbits.
Orbital Position: 3rd planet, habitable zone
That was its name. James and his crew had crashed on this planet a few days ago. The Miss Fortune had been damaged beyond repair. Through the course of 48 hours, he had met [member="Denn Ralto"] and hired him, met his dead wife, and called in re-enforcements. Over the course of...