Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. XaraXunia

    AminoZurzt - The Fist of Ages

    THE FIST OF AGES OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give Xaraxunia a weapon that is worthy of his status as a King of a planet. Image Source: Gargoyle's Black Halberd - Elden Ring Canon Link: Halberd Permissions: Original Lore Primary Source: Halberd Beskar (Material) Blood-eating fungus...
  2. Serina Calis

    Approved Melee Weapon  Ebon Requiem

    Ebon Requiem OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A custom halberd forged by Rayia Si for an enigmatic figure in disguise, meant to serve as both a weapon and symbol of their bond and shared path. Image Source: N/A (If I ever get a good image I want to use in the future, I will just ask...
  3. Serina Calis

    Private  Procurement.

    Location: Chandrila, Open Market Tag: Rayia Si The marketplace of Chandrila sprawled beneath a shimmering noonday sky, its gilded arches and intricately paved pathways alive with color and motion. Merchants in flowing silks called out their wares, from shimmering fabrics that danced in the...
  4. Darth Imperius

    Approved Tech  Royal Molecular Halberd

    Royal Molecular Halberd OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create another melee weapon for the Grand Legion. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Vibroblade, Mono-molecular edge, vibro-voulge, Castellan Axe PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Olympian...
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