Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Lord of Hunger

    Approved Starship  Hammer I-class Model ENS, Heavy Carrier

    Image source: [X] Permissions: [X] [X] [X] STANDARD FEATURES Meassurements: LENGTH: 1,500m, WIDTH: 650m, Height: 600m Armaments: High NZ IEPC.4700 Ionized Electromagnetic Plasma cannon 'Damocles' x2 [Minor] NZ IPC-1 Ion Pulse Canon x4 [MP] Reductor Concussion Cannon x4 [MP] NZ HP1 Turbo Laser...
  2. The Lord of Hunger

    Approved Starship  Hammer I-Class Heavy Carrier

    Image source: [X] STANDARD FEATURES Meassurements: LENGTH: 1,600m, WIDTH: 850m, Height: 600m Armaments: Average NZ IPC-1 Ion Pulse Canon x4 NZ HP1 Turbo Laser Quartet x20 NZ HP2 Heavy Turbo Laser Twin x10 NZ ER_1 Electrothermal Railgun x2, fixed position NZ RTL1 Launcher Quartet x10 NZ...
  3. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Starship  Emerald Hammer Defense Platform

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creat a BFG in space Image Source: Arc Hammer Gif From Halo 2 Anniverssary Edition Canon Link: Hyper Velocity Gun Mandalorian Ripper Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Emerald Lance PRODUCTION...
  4. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Tech  HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle

    HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle Intent: Create an assault weapon for use by the Imperial Marines of the Empire of the Lost Image Source: and Paintshop modifications Canon Link: NA Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION...
  5. Rara Gowisi

    Approved Tech  GATB-71 Hammer Turbolaser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mid range turbolaser for the GA Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Si Tech Affiliation: Galactic Alliance Market Status: Closed Market Model: Galactic Alliance Turbolaser...
  6. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  Hammer Class HMBB-1 Blastboat

    Intent: To create a model of Blastboat other than the classic Skipray for the Open Market Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: House Mecetti...
  7. Araia Bralor

    Approved Tech  Araia Bralor's Gravity Hammer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the personal Gravity hammer of Araia Bralor Image Source: Salvador Ureña Canon Link: Gravity Hammer Power Hammer Permissions: None Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)...
  8. Kalðr Ísbjørn

    Approved Tech  Htagir'karyatr | "Ice Hammer"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal heavy weapon for @Kalðr Ísbjørn Image Source: Stalhrim | Skyrim Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: War Hammer Kinetite PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jökul Ísbjørn, Kalðr Ísbjørn's Ancestor Affiliation: Kalðr Ísbjørn...
  9. Ishani Dinn

    Approved Tech  Hammer of the Artificer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A wedding gift for Arcturus Dinn. Image Source: Treasures of Valhalla Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rhiannon Dinn Affiliation: Arcturus Dinn Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  10. Serren Leonis

    Private  Hammer to Fall

    | H A M M E R | T O | F A L L | Serren wasn't going to go easy on Holden Tark . He'd been stupid enough to piss off Jolene Bastra and that made him as good as dead. She squeezed the trigger, sending a red bolt towards the pile of crates he was using as cover. Then, another. And another...
  11. Ishani Dinn

    Work In Progress  Rhiannon's Workshop

  12. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Hammer of Aloy Vizsla

    "Strong hands and steady minds raise unbreakable children" —Inscription OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a forging hammer and signature weapon to cement Aloy Vizsla's place as an armorer Image Source: Paul Tobin (Sound) Canon Link: Gravity hammer Permissions: N\A Primary Source...
  13. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  When The Hammer Falls

    The pounding of metal rang throughout the workshop, sending occasional bright sparks into the dimly lit air around its hollow conductor. An oppressive heat hung heavy within, as small living clay constructs kept the bellows pumping to fan the flames of the blacksmiths forge. Every now and then a...
  14. Credit Wizard

    Approved Tech  Mundus Ruptor | Saint Augustine's Power Hammer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a unique personal weapon for Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova, out of the remains of a historical weapon from the ancient past of Spindle VI. Image Source: Credit to Creator Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Power Hammer | Sith Sword...
  15. T

    Si'kahya Beskar'Gam || Hammer Variant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent- To codify and authenticate the Beskar'Gam of The Hammer. Image Source- Mandalorian Heavy Infantry OneDoesSimplyNotJust Canon Link- N/A Permissions- Si'kahya Beskar'Gam [Heavy Variant] Primary Source- Si'kahya Beskar'Gam [Heavy Variant] PRODUCTION...
  16. T

    Character  The Hammer || Bes'Cabur

    B E S ' C A B U R FIRST NAME- N/A LAST NAME- N/A ALIAS- The Hammer // Bes'Cabur (Iron Guardian) SPECIES- Mandalorian // Gen'Dai GENDER- N/A YEAR OF BIRTH- 4,445 BBY YEAR OF DEATH- TBA HEIGHT- 2.7m // 8'8 WEIGHT- 157kg // 346lbs EYE COLOUR- Gold HAIR COLOUR- N/A SKIN- Red VOICE-...
  17. Frank Sterling

    Approved Tech  Hammer MK1 Air and Space craft firearm

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a slug thrower based weapon for dogfighting in space or air for a future aircraft sub Image Source: From my Deviant art, art was made by myself Canon Link: Slugthrower Permissions:N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  18. John Locke

    Approved Tech  Stormafbryder

    Intent: A personal weapon for Gerwald Lechner Image Source(s): Etsy | Dwarven Hammer Canon Link(s): N/A Permissions: N/A Link(s): Respechel Tutaminis Manufacturer: Ancient Lechner Ancestors Renovated and refreshed by Lunara Azure and engineers at Locke and Key Mechanics Affiliation...
  19. R

    Approved Tech  Sonic Super Hammer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a highly amplified version of TF2's Frying Pan, which emits a loud noise when hitting an object. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Outer Rim Military...
  20. Kuxtal

    Approved Tech  Solar Hammer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To complete the set of items needed to make the World Forge work. The second component of the World Forge. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Solar Hammer...
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