Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valery Noble

    Faction  [GA] The Hapan Crisis | Rise or Ruin

    The death of Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray has shattered the fragile stability of the Hapes Consortium. Once an enigmatic and fiercely independent monarchy, the Consortium now finds itself on the brink of total collapse. The capital city, Ta'a Chume'dan, lies in ruins. Fires still smolder in the...
  2. Shaya Khal

    Faction  Tying a Golden Knot | Hapan Royal Wedding of Prince Astor Daaray

    Tying a Golden Knot fa-play fa-pause The grand ceremonial hall of the Fountain Palace on Hapes gleamed like a jewel at the heart of the Hapan Cluster. The soaring, vaulted ceiling was an intricate mosaic of polished transparisteel and refractive crystal, catching the light of Hapes’ Prime...
  3. Kalen

    Character  Kalen, General of the Crimson Veil

    NAME: Kalen Khal ALIASES: "Womanslayer" FACTION: Crimson Veil RANK: General ORIGIN: Hapan Noble/Pirate HOMEWORLD: Hapes SPECIES: Hapan AGE: Adult SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'10" HAIR: Black EYES: Blue SKIN: Tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: No TRAITS Racial Traits: Physical Beauty Night Blind...
  4. Ben Khal

    Character  Ben Khal

    NAME: Benwick "Ben" Khal FACTION: Galactic Alliance/Jedi Order RANK: Jedi Padawan SPECIES: Hapan ORIGIN: Nobleman AGE: 14 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: Lean EYES: Dark HAIR: Dark SKIN: Tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Racial Traits: Physical Beauty Night...
  5. Cortana Jade

    Character  Cortana Jade

    CORTANA JADE-INKARI Full Name Cortana Hope Jade Inkari Djo Alias(es) CJ Cort Duchess Princess Birthplace Dar'Benn, Lemmi VI Age Young Adult Title(s) Chume'da of the Hapes Consortium Grand Ducha of Lemmi Vi Rank(s) Jedi Padawan Affiliation(s) House of Jade/Clan Askani Jakku Jedi...
  6. Romi Jade

    Approved Location  Dar'Benn: A Gem of the Hapes Consortium

    Dar'Benn General Information Type Major city Planet Lemmi VI System Lemmi System Sector Hapes Cluster Population Several hundred thousand Affiliation Hapes Consortium "To walk through the Garden of the Millennium Blossom is to journey through the very...
  7. A

    Character  Aramis Aramentia, an Obituary

    SOCIETAL Name: Aramis A. Aramentia XIII Title: Baron Homeworld: Hapes Current Home: Literally Hell Affiliation: Himself Force Alignment: Dark APPEARANCE Species: Hapan Age: Young adult Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Build: Thin Hair Colour: Platinum blond Eye Colour...
  8. Malcoma Hesse

    Character  Saint of The Family :: Malcoma Hesse

  9. Astor Daaray

    Character  Astor Daaray - Prince of the Hapes Consortium

    ASTOR DAARAY Theme the sacred and the profane Full Name Astor Isildin Kalos Daaray Alias(es) Pal'da Astor Pal'da Daaray Class(es) Royalty (formerly) Ex-Chume'doro Place of Residence Ta'a Chume Dan, Hapes (formerly) Age Deceased at 29.5 years of age Rank(s) Prince of the...
  10. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  House of Jade

    House of Jade Familial & Chronological Information Other names Jade Family Jade-Inkari Family Family Type Matrilineal Patrilineal Species Human Hapan Corellian Morellian First Member(s) Avar Kriss Matriarch(s) Romi Jade Patriarch(s) Johannes Inkari Relative(s)...
  11. Mother Askani

    House of Jade: X-Factor #1

    Cortana Jade
  12. Mother Askani

    Character  Cortana Jade

    CORTANA JADE Full Name Chume'da Lady Cortana Jade Inkari Djo Alias "CJ" Cort Birthplace Hapes Family House of Jade Age Young Adult Rank(s) Jedi Padawan Affiliation(s) Jakku Jedi Enclave New Jedi Order Galactic Alliance Species Hapan Gender Female Force Sensitive Yes...
  13. Romi Jade

    House of Jade: Lou #1

  14. Romi Jade

    Approved NPC  Loudomi "Lou" Jade

    Loudomi "Lou" Jade Descriptive Information Species Hapan Gender Female Pronouns She/her Eye Color Blue Hair Color Gray (Currently) Blonde (Formerly) Affiliation(s) House of Jade Galactic Republic (Formerly) Galactic Alliance (Formerly) "If she doesn't go she'll be just...
  15. Romi Jade

    Character  Romi Jade

    ROMI JADE Full Name Romi Jade-Inkari Birthplace Corellia Age Middle-aged Adult Rank(s) Jedi Master, Wayseeker, Headmaster Grandmaster (Formerly) Jedi Councilor (Formerly) Affiliation(s) House of Jade New Jedi Order Galactic Alliance Order of the Selab (Secretly) Species...
  16. Cathbodua

    Approved Tech  Hapan Honor Guard Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To continue expanding and improving the Sibsi order of Hapes Image Source: Sister of Battle Original image edited by Zak Dymo using Stable Diffusion 1.5 ControlNet Infinity War Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Kingdom of Dreams City of...
  17. Ducha Relina Zhan

    Approved Tech  Argen Ta'din (Silver Lady)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal weapon for Ducha Relina Zhan Image Source: Canon Link: Permissions: Original Source Primary Source...
  18. Ducha Relina Zhan

    Approved Tech  Hapan Cyborg Armour (Generation III)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Fleshing out the Cyborg Warriors of Charubah and providing them a modernized suit of high-end armour appropriate for their combat role. Image Source: Canon Link...
  19. Ducha Relina Zhan

    Approved Planet  Charubah

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This is my worldbuilding for a canon planet in the Hapes Consortium Image Credit: Canon: Yes; Permissions: Original post Links...
  20. Ducha Relina Zhan

    LFG  Hapes is Recruiting!

    So, I have returned to this community from a long hiatus and essentially had to rewrite my character in the process... but, that said, I come back to a community which appears to be relatively slow and quiet compared to what I had seen before. I belong to the Hapes Consortium and the potential...
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